Bottom Bitch 3: The Revenge Kill Read online

Page 13

  I pranced out the office, still wiping tears in case they were watching me from the office window.

  Oh Lord, that was a task, but I got it done. I was feeling confident that things would work out in my favor. Shit, I didn’t really lie; I’m a federal inmate, which meant I had no rights, so I couldn’t consent to sleeping with him. So technically, in the court of law, he raped me.

  I walked back to the unit and I saw a bunch of low-life hoodrats standing at the door; the minute they saw me, they started to whisper. I walked past them and looked them dead in their eyes. I saw the fear as they turned their heads.

  I walked into the unit and head straight to the phone. I dialed my lawyer’s number.

  “Ms. Jackson, how are you doing today?”

  “I’m terrible. Can’t sleep at nights. Can’t stop crying. The superintendent and some man from BOP came to see me today,” I cried.

  “Okay. That’s great. I’m sure they just wanted you to go over what happened. I filed a motion on your behalf for immediate release. So sit tight, I’m working every angle, not leaving no stone unturned.”

  I could’ve hugged him! Shit, I probably would’ve sucked this fool’s cock right now. That’s the kind of news that I was waiting to hear. God knows I was tired of this hellhole. I was ready to go and get back to my life.

  “Okay, thank you. I really do appreciate you being there for me.”

  “Just take care of yourself. Let me work on the legal side. Give me a call next week, ‘cause I’m pushing for immediate release.” Those were the last words I heard before the phone cut off.

  I walked out the phone booth, smiling ear to ear.

  “You evil bitch. I knew that it was some shit wit’ you. Gonzalez is a good officer; he treated us better than anybody else. You know damn well that man didn’t rape you. You threw yourself on him. I watched you bitch. You got everybody ‘round here fooled, except me. Bitch, I can see through your lies,” this Big Bertha bitch yelled as she hovered over me.

  I almost snapped on this hoe, but I quickly remembered I have too much to lose.

  “Listen up, bitch. Mind your business and stay out of mine. You don’t know what Gonzalez did to me. I might’ve flirted with him, but that didn’t give him a right to rape me. You’re a woman and should understand how I’m feeling.”

  “Bitch! I don’t believe you. You come in here acting like you better than us—well, I have news for you. Your shit stink just like the rest of us. Look around you; you have an eight-digit number and you are in khakis just like the rest of us. Bitch, you just a common hoe, tryna pretend like you high class. . Too bad Gonzalez didn’t see you for the rotten snake that you really are.”

  “Listen you crack head bitch. I tried to be nice to yo’ slow ass. I’m done being nice to you. Run the fuck along, find some pussy to suck on, and get the fuck out of my way,” I pushed her ass out of my way.

  The nerve of this bitch. She called her ass trying to check me over a police-ass nigga. That big bitch betta continue pressing her bunk and stay the fuck up outta my way. I’m definitely not what she wanted.

  I walked to my bunk, because it was almost count time. I was so caught up in everything going on that I’d forgotten to eat. I opened my locker and grabbed a cup of noodles. Oh, I was so tired of eating that shit. Before prison, I thought that shit was all them project bitches ate. Oh well, it won’t be much longer, I thought

  “Hey Ms. Shayna, you ‘ont happen to have another one of those to spare?”

  “Chantelle, aren’t you tired of begging? Damn bitch, you need a hustle or something,” I said, slammed my locker and walked off. That poor bitch stayed begging for soap to wash her ass, or noodles. Fuck, I was tired of her ass. I was ready to go!


  Over the next couple of days, I spoke to Alonzo over the phone. I don’t know what it was about this man, but I couldn’t seem to get him off my mind. His words were so soothing and he seemed so different from all the other lames that tried to get with me. His in control attitude turned me on; I swear I thought it was Alijah reincarnated.

  “Ha ha, bitch you trippin’,” I said to myself. Alijah’s ass was dead and buried in some hole in Jamaica. They lucky I wasn’t home, because I’m the wife; I would’ve burned his fucking body. That fucked-up ass nigga took my daddy away from me. I should’ve killed his little monkey when I had the chance. Speaking of him, I wonder whatever happened to him? He should be around twenty or twenty-one, the same amount of time I’ve been in here. Hmm, his ass might be up in somebody’s jail, if he was anything like his daddy. Hmm, I can’t wait ‘til I get out of here. I got plans…..big plans.


  Shayna Jackson

  “Shayna Jackson to visitation.”

  “Shayna, that’s you girl. You might have good news.”

  “You just don’t get it, do you? Mind your fucking business bitch,” I yelled at my nosy-ass bunkie.

  I got off my bunk, put my sneakers on and strolled off to the R & D. I hope this is it, I thought.

  “Come in Ms. Jackson,” Lieutenant Hernandez said.

  I stepped in the office and noticed Superintendent Beckenham standing there.

  “Hello again Ms. Jackson. Sit down.” He pointed to the seat.

  What’s going on here? I thought.

  “In our last meeting, I told you I was going to get to the bottom of what happened to you. I had my team investigate and no stones were left unturned. That led me to the conclusion that Officer Gonzalez did violate you; I want to give you my sincere apology and I promise you, he will be arrested and get his day in court to answer to this heinous crime against you.”

  “Oh my God. I thought he would not be arrested for what he did,” I busted out crying.

  “Well Ms. Jackson, after all you’ve been through, I spoke to the Bureau of Prisons; your lawyer and I are pushing for immediate release.”

  I froze in my seat. Did this cracker just say immediate release? I wanted to jump up and down, but I knew I couldn’t. I had to continue acting as if I was a victim.

  “Your release papers are submitted; we are waiting on the judge to sign off on them, which could be any day.”

  I was lost for words; I continued crying. They thought I was crying because I was victimized. Hell nah! I was crying because in a few days or weeks, I knew I’d be walking out this hellhole. I knew the judge would see fit to send me home. The case was already shedding negative light on the Federal Government and the Bureau of Prisons.

  “I think we are finished here. You will hear from us in a few days. In the meantime, your counselor will be discussing your terms of release with you.”

  “Thank you,” I managed to mumble through all the crying that I was doing.

  I walked out the office and headed toward the track. I needed a minute to gather my thoughts. Shit, I’ve wasted all these years; I wished that I had thought about this a long time ago. All kinds of emotions filled my mind. The thought of being able to walk the streets again; I smiled as I sniffed the fresh air. Oh, I couldn’t wait to be able to sleep in my own bed and do what the fuck I wanted to do.

  “Sierra Rogers, get ready! The game is not over until I say so,” I said under my breath. There was not one day that I was in here that I haven’t thought about her and that lil’ monkey. This bitch was the sole reason that I was locked up. Ever since that bitch walked into my life, all she did was create havoc. I was disappointed when I learned she wasn’t dead. What the fuck? That bitch must have nine lives; I shot her close range last time and I thought I killed her, only to find out her old ghetto ass lived. I thought of us meeting again; I won’t rest until that bitch is in the ground, where the fuck she belongs. I was so engulfed into my thoughts that I didn’t notice the rain was coming down until I was soaked! I got into the unit and took a quick shower before count time.

  After dinnertime, I decided to make a phone call to Alonzo. For the past month, we have definitely grown closer. This fool had no idea that he was just another foo
l. For the time being, he served the purpose, even though I found myself thinking about him when I went to bed and when I woke up.

  I dialed his number and waited until the recording did its thing.

  “Hello love?”

  “Hey you. I am so happy right now. Can you guess what just happened?”

  “I ain’t wit’ no guessing, but I figure it’s good news ‘cause of how you acting.”

  “Yes. I’ll be home in a little while. Home? Wait, I have no home. Ha ha,” I laughed nervously.

  “Word! You’re finished? I thought you had ‘bout three years left.”

  “Well, I did, but it’s a long story that I will have to tell you in person if we ever meet.” I wasn’t no fool. I knew all the conversations were recorded.

  “Oh a’ight. So, you going back to New York?”

  “Damn! I haven’t thought about it yet. Uhhh, I have to figure it out soon though.”

  “Shit, you need to come out here wit’ a nigga. I mean, starting over might be all you need.”

  “You mean, out in Atlanta? I never been there before.”

  “Shit, I mean—you might as well move out here wit’ me. I got you!”

  “Hmm. I sense someone is inviting me to his domain.”

  “I got the space, and if you don’t feel comfortable, I can pull some strings and get you your own place.”

  “Wow! I don’t know what to say. I don’t really know you and I wouldn’t want to impose on your life.”

  “Listen up Ma, I’m the one that offered. Cut the bullshit out. The offer is open. Get at a nigga when you make yo’ decision.”

  Before I could respond, the phone hung up. I wasn’t sure if he hung up or the phone cut off. I was shocked that he asked me to come out there with him. Atlanta, huh? I’ve never been there, but I’ve heard great things about the city. It might not be a bad idea. It ain’t like I had anyone in New York. Daddy was gone and going back to Long Island would only bring back memories of his horrible death. I had enough money from Daddy’s estate that’d allow me to live comfortable. I knew that I could never practice law again. Oh well, let’s see what I can get into when I hit Hotlanta, as everyone calls it.

  I walked back to my bunk thinking, I have some planning to do…


  Sierra Rogers

  I hate to question God, but why did I have such bad luck with men? First Alijah got killed, and now Dwayne. Damn even though he and I broke up and he did me wrong, it didn’t make the pain any less. I had so many great memories of us together.

  His sister had called me, even though we got into it the other day. I didn’t fuck wit’ that bitch like that and the only reason why I talked to her ass was because his mother was also on the phone. That bitch was a straight-up snake that I needed to stay away from. She had the nerve to ask me for some money to put toward his funeral. Hell, nah! This nigga was one of Atlanta’s biggest dope boys; you mean to tell me, they had to call lil’ ole me for money. Hell, they better call that cracker bitch. It’s her man and her responsibility, and if they couldn’t afford a funeral, they needed to cremate his ass. The bitch had an attitude when I told her poor ass that I wasn’t goin’ help. That’s when I became a ‘stupid bitch’ again. I didn’t give a fuck what that hoe called me; I bet she couldn’t call me a broke bitch!

  I haven’t talked to Mo’ in a while. I sure miss my bitch. She’s supposed to come visit next month. I can’t wait. Even though I didn’t know Atlanta that well, we definitely gotta find something to get into. I dialed Mo’s number.

  “Hey chica.”

  “Hey boo. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, just sitting here missin yo’ ass, so I decided to hit you up.”

  “Oh okay. I’m sitting here filling out this application for my new place.”

  “Word, you’re moving?”

  “Yes girl, I’m tired of Richmond. These niggas and all these killings is really blowin’ me. I’m trying to move out to Chesterfield, where it’s quiet and all the hoodlums won’t be out there. You know Chesterfield Police don’t be playing.”

  “Yeah, I feel you on that. Girl you remember ole boy that I told you ‘bout when we were talkin’?”

  “Yeah, I remember. The one that wanted y’all to move in. What’s going on wit’ y’all?”

  “Girl, that nigga was a fucking cheater. I caught him in bed with a white bitch. Come to find out, she was the woman. I was the fuckin’ sidepiece. Anyway girl, somebody killed him a few nights ago.”

  “Bitch you lying? For what?”

  “I have no idea. He was a big time dope boy, or so it seemed.”

  “Yo, that’s fucked up. How you holding up? I know he cheated and all, but you had a relationship with him.”

  “Girl, I ain’t goin’ lie, it hurts, but I think I’m still angry that his ass played me like that. After what I’ve been through wit’ Alijah, I didn’t expect to get dogged out like this.”

  “Girl, these niggas ain’t shit. You know that. But on some real shit friend, I believe yo’ pussy is deadly. That’s the second nigga you fucked that end up dead. Damn! But I got the pussy too, does that mean that I’m next?” She busted out laughing.

  “Fuck you Mo, wit’ yo retarded ass. Ain’t shit wrong wit’ my pussy. These niggas just not getting it, the street don’t love them. I do feel bad for his seed and his mama. Girl, how me and his trifling-ass sister got into it the other day? That bitch two-faced. She knew her brother had a bitch. I smacked the shit out of her, trying to disrespect me when I confronted her.”

  “Really? This country bitch betta stay in her fuckin’ lane. ‘Cause I’ll be headin’ down 95 South if she keep fuckin’ wit’ you.”

  “Bitch, you know I handled that hoe, she wasn’t ready. The younger me would’ve beat her to death, but my old ass ain’t trying to sit up in nobody jail cell eating bologna sandwiches. I fired that bitch on the spot. I was not playing.”

  “These bitches betta get their shit in order, ‘cause I ain’t nothing but eight hours away.”

  “Okay Ms. Laila Ali. They ain’t ready for you.” We both laughed.

  “Anyways what going on wit’ you?”

  “Girl nothing. Same shit, different day. Just been working’ my ass off.”

  “Sierra, cut the TV on,” Jeanette walked in the room and interrupted.

  “I’m on the phone. What is it?” I asked with an attitude.

  “ The news is on; it’s showing a commercial now, but it’s coming up next,” she said as she cut on the television.

  “Mo’, let me hit you back later.”

  “Okay, cool.” She hung up the phone.

  “Jeanette, what was so important that you had to interrupt me?”

  Before she could respond, the Channel 2 news reporter came on. “Yes Julia, I just finished talking to Atlanta PD and they confirmed to me what we’ve been hearing all morning. A motorcycle was involved in the shooting death of Dwayne McKenzie. One witness that was out walking her dog, told investigators that around 9:15 pm while out, she heard gunshots and she hid behind a car; she caught a glimpse of a big motorcycle speeding away from the scene of the crime. She wasn’t able to see the rider’s face, because he was wearing a helmet and wore black clothing. The police are withholding this witness’s name, because the investigators are still gathering evidence. The FBI is also involved in this case because the victim was under federal investigation. Ross Colbert reporting from Atlanta for Channel 2 News. Jovita, back to you.”

  I sat in my seat frozen. I looked over at Jeanette and I knew our thoughts were somewhat similar.

  “No, this is pure coincidence.” I shook my head in disbelief.

  “I spoke to him earlier and he said he didn’t have anything to do with the killing. I believe him,” I told her.

  She didn’t respond. She sat there humming to herself. I got up and headed upstairs.

  I lay across my bed thinking and my thoughts wandered back to the last time Azir was here. How angry he was that du
de did me wrong. I remember hearing the anger in his voice and seeing the coldness in his eyes; it sent chills up my spine just thinking about it. Oh no! I hope that I didn’t drive my baby to commit murder.

  “Oh my God. Please protect my only child. I can’t take it. I just can’t…” I cried out to God. I hope it was all a coincidence. My baby ain’t no killer! My mind was tellin’ me one thing, but my heart was telling me different. Azir was so much like his dad and that’s the part that was trying to tell me different…


  Shayna Jackson

  It was 1 a.m., and I couldn’t fall asleep; maybe it was anxiety. I lay on my bunk looking up at the dark ceiling. Less than eight hours, I’d be walking out these walls and into the real world. The real world—I love the sound of that. After spending all these fucking years in hell, I’d be able to eat, shit and sleep when I want to, without worrying about these motherfuckers breathing down my back.

  I was definitely looking forward to starting a new chapter in my life. I’ve got all that money from Daddy’s estate and my money I had stashed away overseas. If I must say so, I was going home to be one rich bitch! And, I’ve got a new man in my life. Well, let’s not jump to conclusions here. I plan to see what’s up with this fool. I needed to find out how much paper he was stacking and then figure out a way to get mine out of it, and then get the hell on.

  After tying up some loose ends, I think I might move to an exotic island, with blue water and men with tan bodies and big muscles. That’s the life right there, I thought as I dozed off.

  I jumped up when this loud ass bitch hollered, “Work time,” over the intercom. Damn, it’s already seven a.m. I jumped off my bunk, grabbed my clothes and headed for the shower room. I showered and got dressed in no time. The hairstylist in the bootleg beauty shop flat ironed my hair, which was below by my ass. I applied a little make up, since this was the cheap version, I was careful not to put too much, damn sure didn’t want my face to break out. I put on my grey jogging suit. I couldn’t wait to get to Atlanta, so I could hit the designer stores up. They thought I was conceited before, they ain’t seen shit. Those Atlanta bitches better watch and take notes from a real diva.