Bottom Bitch 3: The Revenge Kill Read online

Page 12

  I jumped in my car and pulled off. By the time I turned off the block, tears were pouring down my face. I couldn’t believe that I believed this nigga, even though I knew niggas ain’t no fucking good. This nigga had a bitch. Where the fuck her ass been for the last two months? You know what fuck this nigga. I can’t believe that I cussed my son out behind his ass.

  “Oh my God, what have I done?” I whispered.

  I pulled up at the salon and sat in the car for a few minutes. I was mad as fuck, but I couldn’t take that anger into work. I wiped my tears and got out the car.

  “Good morning Boss Lady,” Tanya said.

  I didn’t respond. I looked around to make sure none of the other workers or any customers were around, then I walked up to her.

  “Tell me Tanya. Why didn’t you tell me yo’ brother had a girl?”

  “Girl, what you talkin’ ‘bout?”

  “Cut the fuckery out! Your snake-ass knows what I’m talkin’ ‘bout,” I snapped.

  “Bitch! You mad or nah? You need to be going off on my brother; the last time I checked, he’s the one fuckin’ you, not me,” this second-rate hoe said.

  “You grimy as fuck. You stayed in my face bitch, and all along you knew he was playin’ me. What the fuck kind of woman are you?”

  “Listen, that’s my motherfuckin’ brother and I be damn if I was going to tell you his business, when I don’t know yo’ ass from a can a paint. Bitch please.”

  “You know, back in the day I would’ve whupped yo’ ass for being a no-good ass hoe, but you ain’t worth it. Bitch, get yo’ shit and get out my fuckin’ shop.”

  “Bitch, I ‘ont give a fuck ‘bout this shit. You a mad bitch, ‘cause you got played for a white bitch. I guess yo’ pussy wasn’t that good. Ha ha, you is a fuckin’ joke,” she said, as she started packing up her things.

  She didn’t see it coming as she continued running her mouth; I punched that bitch in her face. She tried to grab me, but I pulled my gun on her.

  “Bitch, leap if you want to, so I can blow your fucking head off.”

  She stopped dead in her tracks. She looked at me with her fist balled up and anger in her eyes.

  “Bitch, that’s alright, I’ma get yo’ ass. You can’t hide behind that gun forever.”

  “I told you before, I wasn’t your average bitch. I will kill you hoe; I put that on my seed. Now get out, before I throw you out.” I walked over and opened the door so she could get the fuck on.

  “Bitch, here go yo’ keys,” she threw them on the floor and sashayed out, cussing under her breath.

  I locked the door and sat down. I needed a minute. I couldn’t believe I’d just lost my temper like that. I knew better; these bitches be running their mouth, but couldn’t back it up. I knew I made a fucked-up move by hitting her ass. I can only hope she didn’t press charges on me. Jail was not in my agenda.

  I called the workers to let them know the shop was closed and they could take the day off. I grabbed my bag, cut the lights off and locked the door. I needed the day to gather my thoughts. I was still in shock!

  “Sierra, is that you?” Jeanette yelled from the upstairs bedroom.

  “Yeah, it’s me. Who else could it be?”

  “I thought you left for work.”

  “I did, but I’m not feeling well, so I decided to come back home,” I lied.

  “Oh alright. You need some ginger tea?”

  “No, I just want to lay down,” I said, as I walked into my room and locked my door.

  It was then that everything hit me in the face. Tears welled up in my eyes. All these fucking years, I’d managed to stay away from niggas and their fucked-up ways. And here I was, I let my guard down with the wrong fucking nigga. I swear, while I was standing there I wanted to blow his fuckin’ brains out. I wanted to hurt him, the same way he stood there acting nonchalant, like we hadn’t made all these damn plans ‘bout moving in together. The nigga even brought up marriage on numerous occasions. I laid across the bed and let it flow all out. Man, fuck these niggas; I swear I was tired of all of them. I see why bitches turn to other bitches. That’s ‘cause these niggas ain’t shit. If all this nigga wanted was some pussy, shit he could’ve said that. Shit, I was in need of some dick any motherfucking way.

  I heard a knock at the door, which interrupted my thoughts.

  “Who is it?” I hollered in an aggravated tone.

  “It’s me, Ma,” Azir yelled.

  “Give me a minute.” I quickly wiped my tears. “Come on.”

  He walked in, looking like his daddy. I couldn’t help but to smile at him.

  “What’s up baby? I didn’t know you was here.”

  “Nah. I just got here. Come to pick up my clothes, and clean my room out.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “Damn Ma. You was crying?”

  “Nah, I’m fine,” I said. Who was I fooling? Tears were still rolling down.

  “Ma, come here. What’s going on?” He sat on the bed and put his arms around me. “Talk to me. What’s going on wit’ you? Did dat nigga hurt you? I ain’t neva seen you cry before,” he said angrily.

  “Azir, I found out some foul shit ‘bout him, that’s all.”

  “Aye Ma, I know we ain’t been close or nothing, but trust me when I say dat nigga ain’t nobody you tryna be wit’. This ain’t on no hatin’ shit. Me and that dude been had some words before, that’s why I was tight when I walked in and seen y’all together.” “Azir, I didn’t know nothin’ ‘bout y’all havin’ words. Believe me, I would never bring a nigga in here, if I knew my son had issues wit’ him. Honestly I though you was on some jealousy kinda shit. I ain’t know baby,” I cried in his arms.

  “Don’t trip Ma. I ain’t goin’ lie, I went to see that nigga a few days ago and he was talking recklessly out the mouf’. Straight callin’ you all kind of bitches. I was seconds away from blowin’ his head off. Nigga straight disrespected you in front of me and I let him live, and now he got you over her crying and shit.”

  “Azir, don’t you talk like that,” I yelled. God, this boy done lost his mind, talkin’ ‘bout blowin’ somebody head off. I didn’t like this side of him. He remind me of his daddy. His cockiness and anger….

  “No Ma, for real, this nigga better not hurt a hair on yo’ head, and if he do, I’m going after him and his whole family.”

  “Azir, listen to me. I’m a big girl, I been around the block a few times. I can defend myself. Trust me, I ‘ont go nowhere without Becky and believe me, I know how to use her.”

  “I feel you on that, but these dudes ain’t to be played wit’. I know one thing fo’ sure, if he want to stay breathin’, he better stay away from mines.”

  He looked at me. I saw the same killer look in his eyes, just like his daddy had. I now knew he was no longer my innocent baby boy. He was now a man with deadly intentions!

  “Forget all that, tell me ‘bout this new place.” I tried to ease the tension in the air.

  “It’s cool. A three-bedroom condo in Conyers. Nothing fancy, just sump’n for me to lay my head at.”

  “Oh okay, so you’re renting it?”

  “Nah, I bought it. You know I’m stacked up,” he said jokingly.

  “Okay Mr. Big Money. I’m proud of you. That’s a good move right there. Don’t make sense wasting no money renting other people shit when you can own it. I’ma have to come see it one day.”

  “You already know it. You and Grandma should come over and cook me a lil sump’n.”

  “Boy no. You better ask one of yo’ females. Oh shoot, I forgot; have you heard anything ‘bout that girl that got killed?”

  “Oh nah. I ain’t really try to hear anything. Ma, me and her been done, so I ain’t got no reason to keep up wit’ her.”

  “Oh okay, I would like to go to the funeral. I ain’t really know her, outside of the few times you brought her to the house. It’s really sad that his young girl lost her life like that. I wonder what dude was wrapped up in?”

‘ont know. Now I’m ‘bout to go downstairs, but you sure you a’ight? Do I need to visit this nigga again?”

  “Azir, I’m fine. Trust me. I need to know that you going to leave this alone. Stay away from him. You hear me?” I looked him dead in the eyes.

  “Aiight Ma, I hear you. Aiight let me know when you want to come over.” He kissed me on the cheek.

  I grabbed his arm. “Listen, I know I ain’t been the best mom to you, but I need you to know I love you and there’s nothing in this world that I wouldn’t do for you.” I hugged him and he left out of the room without saying a word.

  I wish I could protect him, but I knew he was grown and he made his own decisions.

  I got up, washed my face and went downstairs. I could smell something good in the air. I knew Jeanette was throwing down in the kitchen again. I walked in to see her and Azir sitting down at the table. Laughing and talking. I stood in the doorway smiling.

  “What you standing there for? I made pancakes, sausage, eggs, and grits. Come make you a plate.”

  “Yeah, I’m starved. I like this; we haven’t done this in a while. I love seeing my lil’ family together. All we got is the three of us.”

  “A’ight Ma, enough with all this emotional crap early in the morning.” Azir laughed.

  “Ok okay, Mr. Hard as a rock. I’ll stop showing my soft side,” I played back.

  “Hmm. I ‘ont know what’s goin’ on, but I think God answered my prayer. I prayed for this day to come and look at this; we are sittin’ here like a family, laughing and talkin’. I tell you ‘bout the power of my God.”

  Both Azir and I looked at each other. We knew once she started preaching, she wouldn’t stop. Lord help us, I thought!

  Azir Jackson

  “I need a vacation, I’m goin’ to Decatur where it’s greater. See if I could stack some more paper. Said I’m stressed out. So tired, my days… long. Said I’m stressed out….so tired. Gotta move on...,” Jeezy’s voice blasted through the speakers.

  I was on my way to Mom Dukes crib. I decided it was time that I cleaned my clothes out of the room. Shit, I had so many outfits, I could donate some.

  Jeezy’s song had me in the zone. Lately shit ain’t been going right. I didn’t know how long I was gonna stick around. If e’erything worked out as planned, I would be closing shop and movin’ on. I ain’t no fool; if my name kept ringing bells, it’d only be a matter of time before Babylon started paying attention. I ain’t never been locked up before, and I wanted to keep it that way. Don’t get me wrong; I knew I was living foul, and if I have to lay a nigga down, I will—‘cause at the end of the day, I rather be judged by twelve than carried by six. Real nigga talk.

  I parked my Jeep and opened the door. The house was quiet, so I was hoping Mom Dukes wasn’t home. I had too much on my brain right now and I didn’t want to get into it with her. I wish sometimes we could have a mother and son bond, but that’s all it was. A wish.

  I walked past her bedroom, and took a few steps back. I leaned my ear against the door, and heard sobbing sounds. I immediately banged on the door.

  She told me to come in, so I opened the door. There she was, laying in the bed. She tried her best to hide her tears, but I could see. Her eyes were puffy and her voice was hoarse.

  I wasted no time trying to find out what was going on, and she tried her best to keep the truth away from me. She saw that I wasn’t letting up, so she finally broke down, telling me that the pussy claat nigga she was messing around with was the reason why she was crying.

  Every second this nigga continued to breathe, he found a way to make my life hell. There was no way ‘round it; I needed to handle him ASAP.

  It hurt my soul to see my moms crying like that. This was foreign to me ‘cause I never seen her cry before. I knew whatever it was this nigga did, it was serious. I held her tight as she bawled in my arms. This shit was blowing me to see her sitting up, crying over this bum-ass nigga that she had no business fucking wit’ in the first place.

  I sat and kicked it wit’ her for a minute. This was the first time that we actually sat down and had a grown up conversation, without the yelling. I ain’t goin’ lie, it felt kind of good. She was actually a cool person when she ain’t got all that attitude and shit. I ended up tellin’ her ‘bout how that fuck nigga called her out of her name. I didn’t hold back anything and even went as far as letting her know that I wanted to kill that nigga. I saw the surprised look that she gave me. See, she’s never really seen me in action, which was good, ‘cause as soon as things pop off, the first person Babylon run to is the mother. I would never want to put or jeopardize her freedom behind some shit that I did.


  I was a man on a mission! I put on my all black Dickies outfit, and black Nike boots. I decided to ride out on my latest toy, a Kawasaki Ninja Zx14.

  I put on my helmet with the mirror-tinted visor and pulled off. It took me no time to get to the spot; I parked my bike in the alley behind the coffee shop and walked around the side of the building, so I could watch this chump handling business. It was a little past nine o’clock when I noticed the assistant leaving. I knew then he would be following shortly. I jumped on my bike and pulled to the side just in time to see him pull off in his dark-colored Dodge Charger. I eased out in traffic without raising suspicion and followed closely, careful not to speed.

  I thought it was crazy how these niggas be in the streets, but didn’t have no street sense. The nigga didn’t notice that a bike followed him from Decatur all the way to Atlanta; talk ‘bout dumb-ass niggas. I watched closely as he pulled into a driveway and got out the car. I sped up close enough to the driveway and as I pulled my pistol out, I saw the look of shock on his face as he noticed what was ‘bout to take place.

  Bop! Bop! Bop! Shots rang out. He fell to the ground, and I jumped off the bike, ran up on him and emptied the clip in his face.

  “Dead yuh fi dead pussy hole,” I said as I ran back to my bike and burned tires. In seconds, I was ghost and got the hell out of Atlanta.

  I made it back to Decatur, and pulled over in an empty parking lot. I pulled the gun apart and threw the gun in the woods behind an abandoned building. I kept the barrel so I could take it to the scrap yard. I stopped by the store and grabbed me a pack of Dutches. I made it to the house and circled the block three times before I rode into my sub-division.

  Whoo! What a day, I thought.

  I went directly to the bar and poured me a glass of Jamaican White Rum, no water or ice; I took it straight to the dome. I rolled me a big head and poured another glass of rum before I walked into the living room.

  This shit felt good as fuck. I got another killin’ under my belt. Only difference, this one was close to my heart. This pussy claat nigga violated me, but more importantly, he violated my Moms. I bet that pussy ain’t laughing right now! Betta yet, that nigga lights went out for good.

  I barely even watched my 50-inch plasma TV, but I needed to see what the news people were reporting. Channel 2 had breaking news: A murder in an upper class neighborhood in the Buckhead area. There were lots of police cars, news people and nosy neighbors. The news reporter stated that Atlanta PD believed that this was drug-related, since the victim was a known drug dealer and gang banger. I watched as the reporter pointed to the medical examiner pulling away the corpse. I cut my TV off and took a few more pulls out of this ganga I was smoking on. I sat back on the sofa, relaxing with my blunt, liquor, and Bob Marley chanting in the background.

  Today was a good day, if I do say so myself…. “This is for you Pops,” I raised my glass to salute the man that I’ve never met.


  Shayna Jackson

  “Hello Ms. Jackson. I’m Superintendent Beckenham and this is Investigator Clarkston from the Bureau of Prison Headquarters. Sit down.”

  “Hello.” I took a seat across from the two big burly officers.

  Hmm, this is some serious shit, I thought. I straightened myself up and put my game face
on. I was on alert. Had to make sure I was on point; I didn’t trust these crackers. I already knew they were trying to cover their asses, especially after the news carried it the other day. That shit didn’t look good. “Federal inmate raped while in custody”. My lawyer must smell money, ‘cause this fool been talking to everybody who would listen.

  “Alright Ms. Jackson, I know you’ve told the story before, but I need you to tell it to us again.”

  “Really, I wrote a statement. Shouldn’t that be enough? I even gave up his semen. You don’t believe me, do you?” I busted out crying.

  “No, that’s not what I’m implying; I’m sorry if you feel like that. You’re a victim and deserve justice. This should never happen to any woman.” This racist-ass slave master looked straight at me and lied, right to my face.

  I didn’t pay him any mind. I started to tell them my story from beginning to end, without blinking. They had no idea who they were fucking with. My freedom depended on this; there was no way I was going to mess that up. By the time I was finished, both of them were sitting there with pity plastered across their faces. The superintendent even looked like he had tears in his eyes. What a fucking fool, I thought.

  “Okay Mrs. Jackson, my office is doing a thorough investigation. The officer will have no contact with you. Your lawyer is in contact with my office. I do give you my sincere apologies that this happened to you. I promise you that you will be given justice,” the BOP idiot said.

  “Thank you so much. I can’t sleep, can’t eat. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I thought I was safe here, but this happened. He threatened me; he told me that if I tell, y’all wouldn’t believe me and would give me more time.”

  “Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing. My office is handling everything. I’m going to make sure you never have to experience this again. You’re free to go. I’ll be contacting your lawyer.”

  “Okay. Thank you gentlemen, so much. I’m glad someone believes me,” I bawled.

  “Okay Mrs. Jackson.” He opened the door for me. I saw in his eyes, that he was ready for me to get the fuck on.