Bottom Bitch 3: The Revenge Kill Read online

Page 7

  “Me? What did I do? It wasn’t me,” she laughed.

  “Nah sit down Ma. I got a business preposition for you.”

  “You know I’m scared straight, if it involve breaking the law, I ain’t wit’ it.”

  “I ain’t asking you to break no law, but it involves ten stacks.”

  “Ten what?” her eyes got bigger and she sat her fat ass down.

  “Yeah, I know this would grab yo’ attention.”

  “You was at the prison in Tallahasee?”

  “Yes, that’s where I did my time. How did you know that?”

  “That’s minor. I got connects.”

  “I see, so what that got to do with what you need me to do?” she looked at me.

  “There was a chick there by the name of Shayna Jackson; you two might have been friends.”

  “Shayna Jackson. Shayna, yeah, I believe if that’s the right Shayna, we were bunkies. What about her?

  I went on to feed her some bullshit ass story as to why I needed her assistance. I knew from the get go that she would be down. It was only a matter of trying to convince her. It didn’t take too much for her to agree to do what I needed from her.

  “There’s more where this came from, if you keep yo’ mouth shut and play yo’ position. Trust me Daddy will make sure you a’ight, you hear me?” I said as I threw the cash into her lap.

  She looked down at the burner on my hip, then back at me.

  “Trust me, I fully understand. You ain’t got to worry about me saying a damn word to anyone.”

  “That’s my girl, now be ready for when she do call. I ‘ont want no mess up,” I said, while I rubbed her face.

  I stayed a few more minutes, and then I bounced up out of that area. I was heading home, but first I stopped at Family Dollar and bought me a notepad and pen. I had a letter to write to a very special BITCH. I was a street nigga, but I was good with words, especially when my livelihood depended on it!


  After I left shawty’s house, I was feeling much better. I could see things were falling into place. I just hope it continues to flow right. I cut the radio on just in time to hear a V103’s news reporter saying, “The body of prominent Private Investigator Abe Murray was found on the city’s east end.” She went on to say he was killed execution style. The family was offering a reward for person or person’s responsible for this horrible crime. I cut that shit off, as I replayed everything in my mind. Earlier, I’d smashed up the prepaid phone that I used to contact him.

  It didn’t surprise me, how killing had become second nature to me. Growing up in Jamaica and hanging around some of the most ruthless ganstas, I caught on pretty fast. Shit, after all the stories I heard about pops, I’m surprised that motherfuckas expect different from me. Well in a way, I was different. He was too trusting of motherfuckas. Not I. In my world e’erybody suspect, even Mom dukes. Shit, I feel like if the right pressure is applied, she’ll crack. That’s why when I do my dirt I do it alone. Don’t get me wrong; I fuck with my niggas, but certain shit I keep to myself, ‘cause I ain’t tryna spend the rest of my life in nobody cell. You feel me? Shit, I love money and pussy too much.

  Driving through the city, I noticed DeKalb pigs were out in full force. I decided to call it a night, so I went in the house early; I felt the same feelings that I felt e’erytime I entered the house. It was definitely time to get my own crib.

  I heard the living room television come on, so I peeped my head in. I noticed Mom- Dukes watching the news. Dang, this lady stays watching the news, I thought.

  “That’s you Azir?” she hollered.

  “Yeah, Ma.” I walked over to her and planted a big kiss on her cheeks.

  “Sit down.” She patted the couch.

  Oh here we go again, I thought.

  “What’s good Ma, you aiight?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. The question is what’s going on with my son?”

  “Ain’t nothing going on. I’m chilling.”

  “Azir, I watch you come and go. I know what you’re in these streets doing. I went into your room to clean it the other day, and you know what I found? These.” She showed me my baby 9mm and ‘bout an ounce of powder.

  “Man, why were you in my room snooping in the first place?” I looked at her.

  “Snooping? Boy you done lost yo’ damn mind. This is my house, and you ‘ont pay no damn bills in here,” she said in a fierce tone.

  “I know it’s your house and shit, but I’m a grown man and you in my room going through my stuff.”

  “Azir, you listen up good. This shit should never be in my house. You’re out there breaking the law and there is only one of two outcomes. Either you goin’ get killed or yo’ ass gonna be locked up in jail like an animal. Alijah is turning over in his grave right now at your actions. Your daddy busted his ass to make sure you ain’t want for nothing. Your ass not in these streets because you’re poor; yo’ ass is out there ‘cause you want to be. It’s not because you hungry or homeless. Wake up Azir. Take some of that money and go to college. Get a career, make something of yourself.”

  “Dang Ma. A whole speech though. I’m not you or pops. It’s my life and I’m goin’ live it.”

  “You know what? Yes, it’s your life, but as long as you live under my roof, it’s my rules. I’m not goin’ be no part of you messing up yo’ life.”

  “You know what; I see that I can never live up to your expectations. I’m not Alijah; stop expecting me to mess up just ‘cause he did. You know you so hard on me, but you was his side woman and supported everything he did. I’m your son, why can’t I get yo’ support for once?”

  “Boy shut the fuck up talking ‘bout things you know nothing about. I wasn’t side to anyone. I was his woman; he came home to me. He loved me. Don’t you ever turn your mouth to even disrespect me like that anymore,” she yelled and got up and walked away.

  The second those words left my mouth, I regretted it. I love Mom dukes and honestly, I know that she loves me. It’s just that sometimes, it’s too much. “Alijah this, Alijah that.” I was sick of that shit. Guess what; Alijah been dead and ain’t coming back. She needed to get over it and move on. Dang, she just blew my mood. I turned around and went back out the door. I jumped in my car and headed for Memorial Drive. I stopped at the liquor store, got me a bottle of gin and some blunts, and then I got me a room at Quality Inn on Memorial. I needed some time alone to get my thoughts together and focus on what’s important to me.

  I took a quick shower, rolled a big head and took the bottle of gin to the head. I sat in the dark zoned out, thinking of my life, the past and the present. I felt a few tear drops falling; no one understood the pain I was feeling inside. Ever since I was a little yute, I’ve always had this emptiness deep down. It ain’t about no money or how much shit I had. Don’t none of that matter.

  What matters to me was me getting revenge on the muthafucka that fucked my life up and took my pops away.

  I cut the light on and grabbed my notepad. I had a letter to write to a very special lady.

  Shayna Jackson

  Hey the Beautiful Ms. Jackson,

  I hope this letter find you in the best of health. I know you’re wondering who this is, so let me introduce myself. My name is Alonzo Caldwell. I’m the first cousin of your ex-bunkie Natasha Caldwell. She left the facility ‘bout a year and a half ago. Anyway, I was over her house a few days ago and saw a pic that you two took together. The second I laid eyes on you, it’s like you captured my soul and held me captive. I must say I was caught off guard because I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m not a weirdo or any kind of serial killer (joke) I am simply a man that recognizes a gorgeous woman and wants to be part of the reason she smiles. I would love to hear from you, you can hit me up at 404-698-3271, or shoot me a kite. I understand if you chose not to respond, but my gut tells me, you will, because you’re just as curious as I am.

  Love, Alonzo

  I stared down at the picture that was enclosed with thi
s strange-ass letter. I sat there thinking I remembered my old bunkie Natasha. She was one of the few bitches that I actually dealt with. This was strange though, because I couldn’t remember her mentioning a cousin named Alonzo. I took another glance at the picture, wondering what this fool wanted with me, talking all this nonsense. I placed the pic and the letter back into the envelope and put it up under my mattress.

  Days went by and I couldn’t get this man out of my mind. Those eyes seemed so familiar, like we’ve met before. I wondered what he really wanted with me, so I decided to call him. I took out the envelope and walked over to the phone booth. I listened as he answered and the recorded message played out.

  “Hello, Ms. Shayna.”

  “Hello, Alonzo,” I barely whispered.

  “I’ve been waiting for your call.”

  “You sound confident; so tell me what is it you want with me? And I remember yo’ cousin, but I don’t recall her mentioning you.”

  “Yes, well I was away overseas. My business takes me out of the country for months at a time.”

  Hmmm… antennas went up in my head. A businessman; this might work out after all.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of work?”

  “Ha ha, I’m not at liberty to say at the moment, but Ms. Defense Attorney, I’ll be sure to keep you on the payroll.”

  “Oh I see. Say no more.”

  He went on, talking about how sexy I was and how he couldn’t wait to meet me. I didn’t say much on the phone; in my mind, I was too busy wondering why? I wasn’t no fool; I needed to know what this man’s interest in me.

  “Hey Alonzo, your cousin gave me her number, but I misplaced it. Do you mind giving it to me? I would love to talk to her.”

  “No doubt. Give me a sec let me pull it up. I’m sure she’d love to hear from you.”

  It seemed like he was telling the truth, because I called a bluff and he didn’t flinch. He read the numbers off to me and before I could get a word in, the recording came on informing me that I only had fifteen seconds left. The phone cut off with us getting a chance to say goodbye.

  I walked back to my bunk, smiling to myself.

  “Say bunkie, it looks like you got some good news,” my nosey-ass bunkie said as she popped her head from under her cover.

  I looked at her and smiled. This bitch never got the memo that I don’t share my business with bottom feeders.

  The man had me feeling good. He didn’t know it, but he had ignited the fire in me. It was a great feeling to know that after all these years, a man still found me attractive. Shit I knew I was a bad bitch, but being locked up had kind of put a damper on my parade.

  I got on my bunk and lay down with my eyes closed. I replayed the sound of his sultry voice that sounded like Barry White. He spoke with confidence and a little cockiness to it. He reminded me of a younger version of Alijah.

  Being the lawyer I was, I tried to figure out what he wanted from me. All kind of different scenarios ran through my mind. I thought it might have been someone the feds sent to discredit my claim against Gonzalez. Shit, I was too damn smart, if they thought that I would blow my only fucking chance of walking out of here early by running my mouth to a nigga I didn’t even know. Whoever he was, to me he was just another regular-ass nigga that recognized that I was high bred.


  I was tired of rocking my brain, so I got up and pulled out the piece of paper that I wrote his cousin’s number on; I dialed the number.

  “Hey Shayna; girl, how you been?”

  “Hello Natasha, I’m hanging in there girl.”

  “Girl, I hear you. I’m so happy that I’m out that hellhole. Ten years was damn sure enough fo’ me.”

  “Umm hmm. You already know I’m not a criminal, so I have no understanding on why I was here in the first place. My lawyer still trying to get me home.”

  “Yeah, true. You one of the few people that prison is not for. Keep your head up; your day is coming. You didn’t kill anybody, so they can’t keep you forever. The worst part is behind you now.”

  “Aye Natasha, what is yo’ cousin’s name again? It’s right on the tip of my tongue,” I lied.

  “Girl, you must be talkin’ about Alonzo. Don’t tell me that fool contacted you. He saw a pic that we took on the courtyard and girl, he kept on saying he’s goin’ get you. He’s a fool,” she busted out laughing.

  “I can’t remember you mentioning his name, which is strange because we spent hours taking about your family.”

  “Yes, please don’t tell him that. He’s my cousin on my dad’s side. We were close growing up, but he spent most of his time gone.”

  “Oh I see.”

  “Why you sound like that. Alonzo is a real good dude. He’s on top shit; that’s why I even bothered to give him your address. I know you could use a friend, especially after all you been through. Shit, he might be the one to hold you down while you’re in there. I know you strong and all, but even the strongest of us need somebody to lean on.”

  “Girl, you’re right. I just don’t trust these niggas. I was kind of suspicious at first, because I didn’t remember you talking about him. Thanks for clearing that up for me.”

  “Shayna girl, don’t be a stranger. Hit me up on Corrlinks…” she said before the phone cut off.

  Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to see what was up with this cousin. He looked kind of young, but oh well; I would love to have some young cock. I could mold him the way I want him. Shit, I will have him so gone over this old pussy that he won’t have time to be worried about those young bitches. Age was nothing but a number, and I look damn good for my age.


  Azir Jackson

  Man, I really fucked with shawty; she really came through for a nigga. I was sitting back chillin’ when I got the phone call that I was hoping for. I was kind of nervous that it wasn’t gonna happen.

  “Yo,” I answered the unknown number.

  “You have a collect call from a federal facility. Press zero to ignore, and five to accept the call.”

  My fingers couldn’t’ move fast enough to press five. My first instinct was for me to go ham on this bitch, but I quickly caught myself. A soldier like myself definitely knew how to play my position.

  I was prepared for the question she was asking. From what I learned about her, I knew she wasn’t no weak bitch, so I knew I had to get on her level. I could tell the bitch was full of herself from the minute she got on the phone.

  I tried to convince her that I was legit and my only intention was to get to know her. I’ve always had a way wit’ bitches, so dealing with her was no different. The only difference was this bitch was a poisonous snake. The kind that you got to cut they motherfucking head off. After I got off the phone with her, I felt confident that I’d be hearing from her on the regular.

  A few days later, Natasha informed me that she called to check out my story. That right there let me know that she had some kind of interest in me, which didn’t surprise me. I made sure I gave hints about my status. That would grab the attention of a money-hungry bitch!

  Everything was falling into place, but I had a few loose ends to tie up and then hopefully shit will start looking up for me.

  It was the weekend and I was feeling mellow. After a long week of putting in work, money was looking right. Shit, I scrolled through my phone to see which one of my bitches I was tryna chill with. I decided to call Shantè. She was a pretty little Panamanian bitch. I be fucking shawty and she be talking that Spanish shit in my ear. I swear that shit sexy as hell and it only made me fuck her harder. I dialed her number, and she picked up on the first ring.

  “Aye, why the hell you’ve been ignoring my calls?”

  “Babe, what you talking ‘bout? I’d never ignore a beautiful woman like you.”

  “Um hm. I don’t know what kind of shit you on, but you need to get it together, before Ms. Shantè be gone on that ass.”

  “Babe, you know I can’t afford that, forgive me. Daddy wi
ll make it up to you.”

  “Hmm, let’s see. I need a new Michael Kors bag and matching sandals.”

  “Shit that’s it? You know I got you, but you need to do me one favor first!”

  “And what’s that?”

  “Come ride this wood fo’ yo’ boy.”

  “That’s easy, you know I will fuck and suck the black off that dick, as long as you know I ain’t fucking for free.”

  “Shit, we good then. I’m on the way to pick you up.”

  “Alright sweetie. I’ll be ready.”

  I jumped out the bed, grabbed a pair of Levi’s Jeans and a white wife beater out the closet; I grabbed a quick shower and bounced. In no time, I was at her door in Clarkston. Before I’d left out I noticed Mom dukes wasn’t home, so I decided to take her to the house, ‘cause she was always complaining that I always take her to the telly. Grandma was home, but she was cool as fuck. She ‘ont really be on that bullshit.

  After picking up shawty, we stopped at the Jamaican joint and grabbed us some food. I took her to the house; we smoked out in the truck, then went in and ate. She already knew what time it was. See, Shantè was one of those chicks that don’t waste time on emotional shit. She’s definitely a boss bitch. If I didn’t know for a fact that she was a hoe, I would’ve put her on my team.

  “Come here girl.” I pulled her close to me.

  “Hold on,” she said as she took off her clothes. Shawty has a phat ass and some big ass titties. Her pussy was also phat. She could’ve been a stripper for real.

  “Let me ask you a question; why you never get into the stripping business?”

  “Boy no! That shit ain’t no money. Then wit’ niggas all disrespectful and shit. I wouldn’t survive one night in there. That’s chump change to me.”

  “Aiight, aiight gotcha!”

  “Take off your pants,” she demanded.

  “My bad.”

  I took my gun out my waist and placed it in my dresser drawer. I was in my space, so I wasn’t worried ‘bout gettin’ set up. Man, shawty made love to my wood like no other. She sucked, slurped, and swallowed every drop of cum when I busted.