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Bottom Bitch Rises Page 2


  I drove over Fairfield to meet up with Saleem, I had some serious business to handle and he was the man that could help me. Chuck and Dre also met up with us, it was a good feeling to have my homies all together again. God knows my heart still hurts from missing Darryl. I wish I could go back and change the hands of time, but I knew that was not reality. I could only look out for his seed once he’s born and make sure he’s well taken care of. If the shoe was on the other foot, I know he would do the same for me, without a doubt.

  “What’s up fellas?” I greeted them and we exchanged dap.

  “No need to wonder what the emergency is. It’s been two weeks since Sierra got touched and still no leads. Y’all know sey my ‘oman dat and a pussy come in my place and hurt her. I don’t need no blood claat Babylon pon dis. This is a personal beef and it need to be dealt wit’ ASAP!”

  “I hear you boss. We ready for whatever and whoever. Just say the word, we riding.” Chuck assured me.

  “You know brotha, this some weird shit. No one in the street talkin’, it’s like a fucking mystery. I am dumbfounded on this one, trust me I have connections in these streets and not one lead, this some big shit.” Saleem said while shaking his head in confusion.

  “I hear what the fuck y’all saying. But I can’t fucking eat, sleep or can’t comfortably sit on the toilet and shit, until I know who is behind this. Bottom line is when I start feeling uncomfortable, e’erybody goin’ feel the wrath of my gun, no bullshit. Me a di real big man ‘round here and a pussy just try me and I need a fucking name!”

  I never cried in front of my niggas, but I was fuming with anger. I wanted to kill everyone in this whole fucking town, trust me, they had no idea who the fuck they were playing with. Saleem walked beside me and placed his arm on my shoulder.

  “Brother -Man, humble yourself. I would feel the same way you do, but like I always tell you, you cannot act off impulse. You just came home and these pigs still watching you. They upset that you got off so they in the cut waiting on you to fuck up. You a warrior, you need to humble yourself and think out your plan, but first you have to find out who the enemy is and then deal with them accordingly”

  “I hear you bro and no disrespect but I’m not understanding right now. I need to know, better yet, get the word out that I’m putting up a million dollar reward for any info on the shooting. I bet somebody will open their fucking mouth then.”

  “Bet, I will put out the word ASAP. My peoples will also keep their ears to the streets.”

  “I appreciate it fellas, I got to get to the hospital, check on my girl and my seed.” I jumped in my truck and sped off. My mind continued to race, all kind of evil thoughts were evading my brain and I needed a quick fix.

  Chapter Three

  Sierra Rogers

  I was released from the hospital and I was happy as hell. I was about tired of all the doctors and nurses; claiming they taking blood and checking blood pressure all hours of the night. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciated them for saving my life, but I had to go. I had things to deal with. The part that bugged me out is the constant questioning about me getting my memory back of the shooting. I done told their asses a million and one times that I did not see who shot me and if I did, I couldn’t remember. I tried to convince Alijah, but he asked me the same damn question every day. The other day I had to snap on his ass, hopefully he will leave it alone.

  Alijah asked me did I want a new house because of what happened there. I told him no. That’s my house and just because a bitch wanted to show her ass, I was not going to up and leave my shit. That was not my reason for staying. My reason was I needed to be there so it can be a reminder to me of what happened there, motivate me to get that bitch back one way or another.


  It felt so good to be back in my own king-size bed. Boy I sure missed living like a queen. My wound was healing well and I was getting all my strength back. I had an appointment with the hospital OB-GYN and he told me my baby was just fine. Sometimes I had to rub my stomach and make a mental note that I was going to be a mother.

  I knew it was rough on Lil Mo’ running the shop by herself, but she hired another stylist to help out while I was away. I couldn’t even say how much this chick has done for me, but she’s definitely a blessing.


  I woke up from a well needed rest. I was still taking Percocet for the pain and boy; it had me floating on cloud nine. I got up to use the restroom and I heard a male and a female voice coming from downstairs so I walked down to investigate. I entered the living room and saw Alijah sitting down talking to a woman whose back was turned to me. I guess I interrupted their conversation because Alijah turned his attention to me.

  “Hey Babe, thought you were still asleep?” He said with a nervous grin plastered across his face.

  Before I could respond, the woman stood up and turned around and faced me. I blinked twice. I really thought that it was a joke. Shit, I thought it was the Percocet fucking with my mind, but nah it was not. It was my crack smoking mother that left me when I was a child standing in my living room looking like she’d just won the fucking mother of the year trophy.

  “What the fuck is this bitch doing in my house?” I asked with venom in my voice.

  “Ma, calm down. I went and found her after you got shot. I thought she needed to know about what happened to you.”

  I did not get a chance to respond, before this bitch spoke up.

  “Baby, he only meant well and I had to come see you, you know.” She stepped closer and stretched her hand out to touch me. I slapped her hand away.

  I took a step back so I could gather my thoughts before I let this bitch know how I really felt.

  “Listen you crack head bitch. I’m not your fucking baby. I am a grown ass woman and don’t you come in my shit acting all high and fucking mighty. You chose a glass dick over your only seed, and now you in my fucking face. Bitch I didn’t fucking need you when I was young and I damn sure don’t need your raggedy ass now.”

  I then turned back toward Alijah and dug into his ass.

  “Alijah, the next time you want to play captain save a hoe, you do it on your own damn time. I did not ask you to meddle in my fucking life. I never wanted to see this bitch again, but you brought it up on yourself.

  “Yo, who the fuck you talkin’ to? Calm yourself. At the end of the fucking day it’s your moms, so chill out and stop getting yourself so riled up. It might be a good thing for both of you to get to know each other again.”

  “He’s right Sierra. Trust me I understand how you feel and I cannot blame you because I was a piece of shit mother. I treated you bad and I can’t make no excuse, but I been clean for two years now and I’m in a program that helps me, please understand that I want to be in your life.” She pleaded.

  I had so much anger in me that I stormed toward that bitch. I knew my health was not in the best shape, but I just wanted to shut that bitch up. I couldn’t stand there and listen to her talk about how she was clean or what the fuck should that matter to me. I was a grown woman and I could care less if she was still fucking and sucking every trick dick that came along. I’ve been so over her and that fucked up ass life. If she only knew how much I hated her.

  I pushed that bitch on the couch, but before I could do anything else Alijah jumped in the middle and grabbed my arm with a tight grip.

  “Yo B, you fucking crazy? Don’t you ever put your hands on your mom. I don’t give a fuck what she did to you, certain shit you just don’t do. You hear me? You really acting out right now, trying to fight with my seed in your stomach. You definitely trippin’.”

  “Man, let go of my fucking arm. Who’s side you on anyway? You taking up for this crack head bitch, that you don’t even know, are you fucking serious? I am your woman, you hear me.” I said with tears rolling down my cheeks.

  “Alijah, you shouldn’t have stopped her. I deserve everything that she is dishing out. I can handle it, trust me I’m stronger than I appe
ar. When I decided to come here, I knew what to expect. She is my daughter and I’ve known how strong she was ever since she was a little girl.” The crack head bitch spoke up.

  “Listen up. I know my woman is hurting so you don’t get no fucking medal. You fucked her life up and she’s hurting, but I tell you what, if you still on crack or you trying to disappear out her life again, best bet is to do it now. Because if you ever and I repeat ever hurt her again, they going to find your body at the bottom of the James River. I don’t make threats, I make promises.” Alijah warned.

  “Ain’t no need to do all that. I never want to see this bitch ever again. She need to go back to whatever hole she crawled out of because I have no use for her crack head, hoeish ass. Get the fuck out of my house!”

  “Sierra, I’m not going to be too many more bitches and hoes. I know I fucked up, but you not going keep calling me all those damn names. Now I’m the fucking mama and you the child, so watch your mouth before it gets real serious in here.”

  “Bitch, what? You a fucking joke, threaten me and fuck around get killed. I would not care less if you are the bitch that spit me out your pussy. I fucking hated you when I was fifteen and I hate you with a passion this fucking moment.”

  I saw the disgusted look on Alijah’s face as if he wasn’t feeling this showdown. Hell I could care less. He was the one that went and dug this bitch out of her hole and brought her to my fucking house. I wish I knew what was going on in his head.

  “You know, I tried. Alijah knows where to reach me. Whenever you want to address this like two grown women should do, then you call me. Other than that I am leaving your selfish spoiled ass alone.”

  “Spoil? Did I hear you right? You left me alone to fend for my fucking self. I had to fuck and suck dope boys just to keep a fucking roof over my head and food on my table. I was raped and left for dead by one of your tricks and you call me selfish? Bitch you don’t know the half of it.”

  I guessed I hit a nerve because this bitch ran out the front door and I ran upstairs and locked my room door leaving Alijah’s ass standing there with a dumb ass look on his face. This was the first time that he heard all the things that I blurted out. Too bad, I knew he knew that I was damaged mentally.

  I lay on the bed with my head buried underneath one of my pillows. I cried so hard, I felt like my chest was ripping into pieces. All the pain that I buried inside were coming out and I couldn’t stop them nor did I want to, I had years of pain bottled up in me and I needed to let it out. I heard Alijah banging on the door, but I told him to go away. , I just wanted to be alone. This was a battle that I had to fight alone and didn’t know where to start. All I knew was my life has been hell ever since I, Sierra Rogers entered this wicked world.

  Shayna Jackson

  See Alijah fucked up when he tried to play me. I was a good woman when he met me. All I ever wanted was someone to love and lace me with their money. I did not want a man that slung his dick up in all these ghetto ass bitches. I just couldn’t understand how he had a woman with education and class; a woman that came from a good family with a great background and he didn’t want that. Instead he chose to go after that poor ass project bitch that doesn’t even have a pot to piss in. He straight up disrespected me and I will not tolerate that type of disrespect coming from a street nigga.

  I had no choice but to hurt the bitch that he loved. I made a vow long time ago that if I couldn’t have him, nobody else would and I meant that. Earlier that evening I found out that all charges were dropped against him and his cronies and I almost hit the roof. All the fucking evidence I gave them and they let this nigga walk. This shit was definitely unheard of in my book. I was so fucking pissed that I hung up on that Uncle Tom ass nigga. Here I was putting my life on the line and hand this nigga over to them with evidence and they screw around and let him loose. I really hope he didn’t know that it was me that turned on him, because I knew what he’s capable of doing. I thought about leaving the country, but I decided not to. I had a lot of business to handle. I was going to show Alijah and his bitch that I was the HBIC!

  I had a few loose ends to tie up, so after I handled his bitch. I called her friend to have a talk with her. We decided to meet up in a secluded area. I couldn’t risk being seen with this bitch. I sat in my car and waited for that bitch to pull up in the same old hoopty that she had before. I directed her to get in my car and boy what a mistake that was. The bitch smelled like stale urine and looked like she hadn’t bathed in weeks. I had to roll my window down so some fresh air could come in my car.

  “Listen up. I called this meeting because some serious shit went down. And I wanted to make sure that you have not been running your mouth about anything concerning me and the information that you gave me.”

  “No, what happen? I never mentioned your name about anything and how serious is this shit you talkin’ about? I can’t get mixed up in no drama.”

  “Listen, you don’t need no information. As long as you keep your mouth shut, everything will be fine. Remember this can be life or death. You decide which one you want. Here’s five grand, take it and disappear. Get out my life, I won’t contact you ever again and remember we’ve never met.” I handed her the envelope of cash. I was also careful to use a glove.

  “God bless you. I won’t say a word, and your secret is safe with me. I promise.”

  “Okay now, get your ass out of my car. And you should try showering, your stench is horrible.” I motioned for her to get out my car.

  “You are so rude. Maybe that’s why your man ran into the arms of another woman. You should try working on your attitude.” She said, gritting on me

  “Listen up, you little dope fiend bitch. You in the wrong league. Don’t let me show you who you fucking with, like I had to show your little friend. Now get your stinking ass out of my ride before I blow your fucking brains out,” I gave her a final warning.

  She must’ve got the drift because she exited the car mumbling something underneath her bad breath. I got some disinfectant wipes off the back seat and wiped my leather seat off. I then sprayed my car with Lysol deodorizer.

  I looked around to make sure no one saw me. Then I sped through the empty parking lot. I really pray that bitch kept her mouth shut or I would’ve to shut it for her. God knew I was travelling down the wrong path, but if this is what it takes to secure my place in Alijah’s pockets then it’s all worth the sacrifice.


  I dialed Sander’s number. It’s about time we had a real talk.

  “Hello Sanders, this is Mrs. Jackson, we need to talk ASAP.”

  “Well I’m working on a case right now and will be in the office all day.”

  “Alright well, after dark is just fine. We can meet in my hotel room. I will order us dinner and a night cap.”

  “Hmm. Sounds interesting. I will be there around eight.” He replied with a devilish grin.

  “Ok see you then Sanders,” I replied, and then chuckled.

  I gave him my hotel info before I hung up the phone. I was familiar with men like Sanders. They think they can fuck every sexy woman that comes their way, but he’s not used to my type of woman. I will find a man like him, stroke his ego, get on my knees and suck the black or the white off his cock and then I will get on top and ride his cock until he busts. When it’s all said and done, I will have him where I want him and then before he realizes it, I’ll have him like a puppet on a string.

  I ran some errands and got back to my hotel just in time to shower and get myself ready to meet the man in charge of the Richmond P.D. I knew that I was playing with fire, but I would not be me if I did not take a chance.

  I ordered us a nice dinner so we could sit and enjoy our meal and drink wine. This type of thing was not new to me, but it was a new victim. What I knew, was that all men are dogs and they always thought with their lower head. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a hard knock on the door. I jumped up and walked over and open the door.

  “Hello Sanders, welcome to
my little nest,” I said jokingly.

  “Shayna thank you for inviting me.”

  Honestly, he was not a bad looking man. He was tall, dark skin, a little on the heavy side but nevertheless he was still easy on the eyes. We sat at the table and had our dinner which I ordered; steak and potatoes with vegetables on the side. I knew he’d appreciate this type of meal accompanied by a beautiful woman.

  After about three glass of red wine, I excused myself from the table and went to the ladies room. I took all my clothes off and left only my heels on. I pranced back in the room where I interrupted him looking down on his cell phone. He quickly looked up and it was then he realized that I was standing in front of him naked as the day my mama gave birth to me. I could tell by his long stare that he was surprised. I walked over to him and start loosening his tie. With one hand while I grabbed his balls with the other.

  “Ouch, take it easy down there. These things are delicate you know.” He said while letting out a long moan.

  I knew he was getting aroused, his cock was standing firm in his drawers. I led him over to the queen sized bed and pushed him down on his back. It was easier than I thought. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled his legs out with his help. I then got on my knees on the carpet. Looked him in the eyes like I was in love with him; licked my lips and kissed the tip of his cock. Even though I didn’t love this lame ass nigga, I sure love me a big cock. I allowed my lips to slide over his dark caramel cock. I had to close my eyes to keep myself from laughing and let out one of my signature fake moans, just to let him know I was doing this for my pleasure. I sucked his cock head into my mouth and allowed my tongue to tease the tip. I opened my eyes and looked up at him, in my sexiest; I-love-his-cock look. This nigga had his eyes closed, mouth wide open moaning like a bitch. As soon as my inner-Superhead was starting to come out, I felt this nigga hand gripping my hair with force.