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Never Gonna Be Wifey Page 19

  My emotions were running high. I was feeling anxious, and my adrenaline was rushing. My palms were sweaty, and my chest tightened as I approached the condo.

  I breathed slowly to control my anger. I couldn’t risk getting an anxiety attack at a time like this. I slowly coached myself back down to a normal pace.

  Azir Jackson

  I decided to head home after that hit we took earlier. I needed to get fucked up. I had a bad vibe ’bout everything that went down. Dude said the warrant said an informant told them ’bout the spot. That right there bothered me, ’cause it meant a rat was runnin’ around. I didn’t take that lightly. Back home in Jamaica when a nigga snitch, you straight cut his motherfuckin’ head off, and if you can’t find him, you kill his entire family. Not in America; these rat-ass niggas got mad love on the streets.

  I noticed Shayna was already in the house. I was tired of being around this snake bitch too. The only reason why I ain’t body her yet is because the timing wasn’t right. I also love the fact that I was mentally torturing this bitch. Each time I’m with her, I envision all the shit I want to do to her—not sexually. Sometimes, I want to shoot her; sometimes, I want to use a machete and chop her up into tiny pieces. No matter how gruesome the scenes are that I have playing out in my head, it never seems to satisfy my taste for revenge. I was pressed for time now, and I know that I would have to deal with this bitch sooner than later.

  “Hey, babes,” she greeted me as I entered the house.

  “What’s good, love?” I barely mumbled.

  “I picked us up some Chinese food. I was too tired to cook.”

  “That’s cool. I ain’t hungry anyway.”

  I headed to the bar and poured me a shot of Hennessy. I hope this bitch didn’t say or do the wrong thing, ’cause the way I was feeling, I could just rip her head off with my bare hands. That’s the kind of mood I was in.

  After I got my drink, I went upstairs in the bedroom so I could roll me a blunt.

  A few minutes later, Shayna joined me. Her eyes looked glassy, like she’d been drinking.

  “You a’ight?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Think I had a little too much to drink.”

  “Oh, okay. You got to take it easy on the bottle. You ain’t no pro,” I laughed.

  Suddenly, we both heard the doorbell ring.

  “Who the heck is that? Are you expecting someone?” Shayna quizzed.

  “Nah, but it might be my homeboy. He supposed to drop a package off for me.”

  I got up out of bed and walked out of the room. I hope it wasn’t my moms; this wasn’t the time to get a visit. I looked through the peephole and saw it was my grandma outside, barefoot. I opened the door and stepped out. I couldn’t even speak; I was shocked at the sight of my nana.

  “Nana, what the heck you doing here?” I managed to utter.

  “Azir, baby, I didn’t know where else to go or who to turn to. Come over here. I don’t want anyone to hear me, please.”

  I stepped away from the door and walked toward the curb. I was scared Shayna might overhear our conversation.

  “Nana, I’m not understanding. What’s going on? Have you been drinking? I smell alcohol on your breath.”

  “Azir, baby, I try not to touch anything, but I couldn’t resist. Baby, give me a little piece of rock, I need a fix real bad.” She grabbed my arms.

  “Nana, stop it. I ain’t giving you nothing. You’ve been clean for a minute. What happened to you? Did somebody get you hooked again? Nana, I can’t help you. I know how bad my moms gonna be hurt if she finds out you’ve been using again.”

  “Azir, baby, please don’t tell her. She’ll kick me out. You can’t,” she pleaded.

  “Nana, ain’t that her car? Do she know you got it?”

  “Yes, I asked her if I could go to the store.”

  “Damn, yo, you need to get back to the house, and you need to get back in NA. Nana, you come too far to turn back now. Go on home, Nana. I’ll be over there to check on you. I love you.”

  “Azir, just a li’l piece. Please, I won’t say a word,” she pleaded as I walked her to where the car was parked.

  She cried loudly as she pulled off, still begging me to give her a piece of rock. Man, my day just couldn’t get any worse. I couldn’t believe that this was my nana behaving like that. I heard the stories of her getting high back in the day, but I’d never witnessed it until now . . .

  I was zoned out from the shit that happened. I turned around and walked toward the door. That’s when I realized that I left the door open. I could only hope that bitch didn’t hear anything that we said. The last thing I needed was her figuring things out.

  I locked the door behind me and walked upstairs. She was lying in bed, watching TV.

  “Is everything okay wit’ you?”

  “Yes, that was my homeboy’s mom. She stopped by to pick up some money I owed him.”

  “All right. I was worried when you didn’t come back in. You know I just got out of jail, so my nerves are bad,” she laughed.

  There was something ’bout that laugh that caught my attention. I knew something was up for sure when she winked at me. This bitch was up to no good, I thought as I sat on the bed.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Shayna Jackson

  I was trying to figure out what was going on with Alonzo. His mood was different when he came home; I wonder if it was because of what he found in the drawer and what business it was to him. Maybe he was Alijah’s son, and he was on to me, or was it that I was on to his bullshit . . .

  I played it cool when he came home. In fact, I ordered us Chinese food, only to find out he wasn’t hungry. I didn’t let that spoil my mood; I remained calm, cool, and collected. What fucked up my mood was when the doorbell rang. I saw the strange look on his face; I would’ve given anything to be able to read his mind. I tried to tiptoe to the stairs to hear what he was saying, but I couldn’t hear, so I went back to the bedroom. My nosy ass couldn’t sit still, so I walked over to the window; I stood to the side, careful not to be seen. I saw him talking to an older woman. After a few minutes, she got into a car and pulled off. I ran back to bed, pretending like I was watching television the entire time. But first, I placed my gun underneath the pillow and lay on top of it.

  He came back into the room, looking slightly irritated. I took a long look at him, and for the first time, I saw the resemblance of Alijah. I sat there frozen in disbelief. It was like I was looking at the spittin’ image of that dead bastard. How did I miss that? I thought.

  I sat up in the bed; my mind was racing. Everything around me seemed out of place. I felt delusional. It wasn’t any coincidence when he contacted me. Did he know who I was all along? How did he know to find Natasha and get her to go along with his lies?

  “Let me ask you something. Is your dad alive?”

  “Nah, he passed away awhile back,” he answered.

  “That must be hard on you; you know boys are usually close with their fathers.”

  “Yeah, it was, but I’m maintaining.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, how did he die?”

  “Some accident. Not really sure.” He looked at me, those cold eyes and nose flared up, the same way Alijah would’ve done when he was irritated.

  “How old are you? You are ’bout twenty-something?”

  “I never told you my age. How would you know that?”

  “I know—because I was your nanny when you were a baby.” I pulled my gun from under the pillow and pointed it at him.

  “Is that right, love?” He chuckled and pointed his gun at me.

  “See, I’m not no fool. I knew there was something ’bout you, but until I spoke to Natasha and caught her in a lie, that’s when I knew for sure you was an imposter.”

  “Yo, you trippin’. I don’t know who you think I am, but I’m not that nigga. Put down your gun before you hurt yo’self. See, I put mine down. I’m fuckin’ in love with you, woman.” He looked me dead in the eyes.

p; “You don’t fuckin’ love me. You look just like my husband. I know you’re here because of him,” I yelled.

  “Shayna, listen up, babe; I saw your pic, and I liked it. I came after you, ’cause you’re the kind of woman that I need. I don’t know anything ’bout none of this shit you talkin’ ’bout or being some nigga’s son that I don’t even know. My pop’s name ain’t no damn Alijah.”

  “You’re a fuckin’ liar. I don’t fuckin’ believe you,” I screamed and waved the gun at him.

  “Be careful how you moving that pistol around. Yo, it don’t make no sense. You been around here for weeks. If I wanted to kill you, I could’ve. I’m a real nigga, and I do real nigga shit. I need you in my life, shorty. Believe that.”

  Hmm . . . He did make a valid point. I’ve been here for a while sleeping in the same bed. He could’ve killed me, but he didn’t. Oh Lord, what have I done? Did I fuck up with the only man that cares about me? I thought. My mind was telling me one thing, but my heart was screaming at me. I was confused and didn’t know what to do. I lowered my gun and started to cry.

  “Come here, shorty.” He took the gun out of my hand.

  I walked over to him and sat beside him. He put his arm around me, then spoke. “You know what one of the rules in the street is?” he asked.

  “No, what is it?” I managed to say.

  “Always follow your gut instinct, bitch.”

  I felt a gun pressed against my neck. I tried to reach for my gun, but he had a grip on my neck.

  “You fuckin’ liar. I trusted you!” I yelled.

  “My pops trusted you too. Yes, my name is Azir Jackson. The only seed of the man you set up.”

  “Fuck you! Fuck you! How did I not see you for the piece of shit you are?” I hollered. Fuck crying—I was steaming with anger. I got tricked by this young-ass nigga. Shayna, you done fucked up, a voice in my head whispered.

  He pushed me away from him and on the ground. Then he got up and stood over me.

  “Bitch, get on the floor. See, ever since I was a little boy, I dreamt of this day. The day that I would look you in the eyes and watch you beg for yo’ life—right before I blow your fucking head off.”

  He took a step closer and aimed the gun at my head. I knew then I didn’t have a chance. I should’ve killed the little monkey years ago when I had the chance, I thought bitterly.

  Chapter Twenty

  Sierra Rogers

  “Don’t do that, son. Step away from that bitch. She’s all mine,” I said, as I entered the room with my 9 mm pointed at that wicked ho.

  “Ma, what are you doin’ here? And how did you get in here?” Azir looked at me with a shocked expression written all over his face.

  “Not now, Azir. Well, hello, Mrs. Shayna Jackson. I see we meet once again,” I said with conviction in my voice while I pointed the gun at that ho, not flinching even once.

  “Wow! A family reunion, I see. Hello, Sierra, I should’ve killed yo’ ass those two times I had the chance,” she said and tried to spit on me.

  I moved slowly toward this ho and knelt down beside her, right where Azir had his foot holding her down.

  “I agree; you should’ve killed me. But guess what? You was a coward-ass bitch that fucked up—twice. Ha-ha. Don’t you wish you paid attention to your instructor at the shooting range? No, ho, you’re the stupid bitch. See, yo’ dumb ass tried to kill me twice over a fuckin’ dick. Bitch, it wasn’t that fucking serious. There are a million and one dicks in this world, but, nah, yo’ ass couldn’t deal wit’ the fact that he did not want that old, stretched-out, no-walls-havin’ pussy. You were mad that he wanted this young pussy.” I fired a shot into her left leg.

  “Do something! This crazy bitch trying to kill me!” she yelled to Azir.

  “Ma, I got this!” Azir said.

  “Get out of my way—now, Azir! This bitch made my life hell for years. As a matter of fact, get the fuck out of the room. Get out!” I yelled.

  “I ain’t leaving you, Ma. Mi ’bout to shoot dis bitch in the head.”

  “No! That’s way too easy. Now go!”

  “Now, you, stand up and take yo’ fucking clothes off,” I demanded.

  “Fuck you; I’m not takin’ shit off. Kill me if you’re going to, bitch. You won’t get away wit’ this. I’m well-connected, and it’s only a matter of time before the feds is all over this.”

  This psychotic bitch leaped toward me and knocked the gun out of my hand. I hit that ho in the throat, but that didn’t faze her; instead, she tried to go for the gun on the ground. I ran up to that ho and started punching her in the face. I didn’t stop until blood started gushing from her eyes.

  She grabbed my weave and scratched my face, but her strength was nothing compared to my rage. I was out to kill this ho. I used my boots and kicked that fragile ho into the nightstand, knocking her to the ground.

  “Now, let’s try this again, ho. Take off yo’ fuckin’ clothes.” I pressed the gun against her temple.

  “I’m not taking shit off. Go ahead and shoot me, bitch. You will still be a dirty-ass, project ho. Fuck you and that bastard of yours,” she spat.

  I fired a shot into her right knee.

  “Aargh, you stupid bitch! You shot me again,” she screamed.

  “Bitch, take off yo’ fucking clothes.” I pointed to her other knee.

  I watched as she took off her clothes. The bitch had all that mouth and was standing in front of me shaking. What a fucking sight, I thought.

  “Open yo’ legs, ho,” I demanded.

  I pried her legs open and stuck the butt of the gun in her pussy. I moved it around like I was fucking her. She started to scream as I fucked her harder, not letting up any.

  “Fuck you, you stupid bitch. Aargh, oh God, no!” she screamed out in anguish.

  The more that ho screamed, the deeper I went in. I wasn’t letting up any. This was for all the pain that bitch had put my family and me through. I did not pity her; all I had was hate.

  “You see, Shayna, you should’ve stayed away. Instead, you had to follow me. You had to come here to fuck wit’ my child. Bitch, that’s the worst mistake you could’ve made. Never underestimate a mother’s love for her child. But you wouldn’t fucking know that, ’cause you’re not a mother.”

  “What do you want from me? Is it money? I got plenty of that. Please, I promise, I’ll leave you the fuck alone. I got lots of money,” she pleaded.

  This strong bitch that wreaked havoc in my life suddenly wasn’t looking too strong. I knew deep down she was a weak bitch. Blood gushed from her pussy as I took out the gun.

  I got closer to her face and looked her dead in the eyes. “No, bitch, I don’t want yo’ fucking money. What I wanted was fo’ you to take yo’ old stupid ass away from Alijah and me, but you couldn’t respect that he didn’t want yo’ old, dried-up pussy ass. You had to fuck our lives up.”

  I then fired three shots into her torso.

  “Noooo!” she screamed out. I stood over her and fired the rest of my clip into her body.

  I looked at Azir, who was standing in the doorway. “Let’s go.”

  He walked over to her and fired one shot between her eyes. That took the last breath out of her body.

  I dialed a number. “Come on in.”

  “Who’s that?”

  “Your grandma.”

  “What? But sh . . . sh . . . she umm—”

  “No time to talk ’bout that. Let’s get to work and get out of here. Go open the door.”

  “Oh, I thought you’d never call. Here go the acid.” Jeanette emptied three bottles of acid on the body. We watched as this ho’s skin melted away. I ain’t goin’ lie; I almost threw up, but I didn’t. I couldn’t afford for my DNA to be all over the scene.

  “Listen, Azir, you need to gather anything of importance and get outta here. Go to the house and wait ’til I get there,” I yelled as loud as I could, with everything in me.

  This fucking boy was so hardheaded. I wanted to knock his head off
, but I didn’t have time, and I needed to get out of here. After he left, Jeanette handed me a bottle of gasoline, and I sprinkled it all over the condo. I made sure the body was unidentifiable. I lit the torch and threw it on her body. Once the fire started, I closed the door and ran downstairs.

  I calmly walked to the car, where Jeanette was waiting. I switched places with her. Just in case something jumped off, I was the better driver. I got in and pulled off. I took off my thermal, which smelled like gasoline. I was kind of worried ’bout the neighbors, so I borrowed Jeanette’s prepaid phone and dialed 911.

  On our way out of the subdivision, I heard sirens coming toward the condo. I drove carefully without bringing any attention to us. I waited until I got out of the area and was back on my side of town to call Azir; he was at my house waiting for us.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Sierra Rogers

  “Are you ready to go? Your plane leaves at 7:00 a.m. and you have to be there three hours in advance.”

  “Yeah, I’m set. I still don’t want to go; I need to be here for you.”

  “Sit down.” I motioned for Azir to sit on the bed.

  “I’m yo’ mama. It don’t matter where in the world you are; we will always be connected. I lost your daddy, and I damn sure ain’t gonna lose you too,” I said as the tears flowed down my face.

  “Ma, you know what? I love you, woman. Your strength and courage are what gets me through most days. I love you with e’erything in me.” He hugged me so tight I could barely breathe.

  “Umm, sorry to break up this love session, but my grandbaby, it’s time to go,” Jeanette said. I could tell she was crying too.

  We arrived at the airport just in time for him to check in. I don’t know where I found the strength to walk him to check-in. I stood there and watched as my lifeline, my only seed, my heartbeat walked away from my life and into his future. He was headed to England.