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Bottom Bitch 3: The Revenge Kill Page 16

  I jumped up and grabbed my purse. He had written down his address, the last time he came over. I fumbled around until I found the piece of paper.

  5202 Abbey Street, Conyers, GA

  I grabbed my keys, ran down the stairs and jumped into my car.

  I cut the music on high, so I could tune out some of the thoughts that were running through my mind, put his address in the GPS, and headed to his condo.

  I tried calling him, so I could tell him I was on my way to see him, but his phone went straight to voicemail. I sent out a text to him. Twenty-five minutes later, I pulled up at the address. These were some nice condos and they looked brand new, I thought. I kept calling him, but still didn’t get any answer, which was strange; I’ve never called him and he never answered, or text me back. My stomach started to get queasy.

  “God, where is my son?” I asked.

  I got out and went to ring his bell numerous times, but still no answer. I stood outside for a few minutes then walked back to my car. I sat in the car and kept re-dialing his number, but there was still no answer.

  I was getting worried; I wish he’d pick up his phone or text me, so I would know he was alright. I held my head up and looked around. Out of the corner of my eye, I glimpsed the figure of a woman; I swore from the corners of my eyes that she looked like…I laughed to myself. Sierra, you trippin’, I thought. I watched as she walked over to Azir’s door; I wanted to jump out to make sure she was going to ring the correct doorbell. Only to my astonishment, she didn’t ring the doorbell; she pushed a key in, opened the door and shut it behind her.

  “Who the fuck was that, entering my son’s home?” I asked retroactively. I decided to sit tight, even though everything in me was yelling, go see who that was. I anxiously sat in my car, with my seat laid back. Ten minutes later, this same woman exited the home, and walked toward my car.... “WHAT THE FUCK? I yelled. Shayna…. No! What the hell was Shayna, the bitch that tried to kill me, doing at my son’s house? I watched as she jumped in Azir’s truck. I wanted to jump out my car and approach her, but common sense told me not to. I needed to find out what was going on here. I looked down on the piece of paper that Azir’s address was written on again.

  5202 Abbey Street, Conyers, GA.

  None of this made sense. All I knew was something was not fucking right. I thought that bitch was in the feds and wasn’t supposed to be released for another couple of years.

  Maybe Azir made a mistake when he wrote the address down, but no, I knew his truck and the license plate matched his; I knew this for sure, because he’s on my insurance. I watched as she drove out of the subdivision.

  There were still no calls or texts from Azir. There was no need to hang around. I drove like a mad woman all the way back to Stone Mountain. I sped into my driveway, parked and jumped out. I hurriedly opened the door and ran into the house.

  “You alright? What’s wrong?”

  “I need to check something online real quick.” I jumped on the internet and typed in Bureau of Prison’s inmate locator. I typed in Shayna Jackson and her federal identification number, which I got from my lawyer years ago.

  Inmate released

  I blinked twice and read it again. Nothing changed. It said, “Inmate released” right in front of my eyes. I felt tears well up in my eyes and my chest tightened. I grabbed my cell and called my lawyer back in Richmond. He wasn’t in, so I asked his secretary if she knew anything on Shayna Jackson’s early release from prison. She told me, the office was informed that she was released early, based off an incident that happened at the prison. She also told me that it was all over CNN. I thanked her and hung up the phone.

  “Man, NOOO! NOOO!” I screamed out and threw the computer into the wall, leaving a big hole.

  Jeanette rushed into the den and looked at me.

  “Sierra what’s going on? Talk to me.”

  “What’s going on is that bitch Shayna is out of prison and is here in Georgia, at my son’s house.”

  “What? Sierra. Are you sure? You seen her with your two eyes?”

  “I wanted to see Azir, so I went to his condo looking for him. When I got there, he wasn’t home. So, I sat in the car waiting and I saw a woman with the same facial features as Shayna. She opened Azir’s door. I still wasn’t sure it was her. I sat and waited, then she came back out and that’s when I saw her face clearly and to show I’m not trippin’, she jumped in Azir’s truck. I knew his truck and his license plate. Jeanette, I’m telling you this sick bitch is here in Georgia and around my child.”

  “Have you heard from Azir?”

  “No, I’ve been calling him non-stop, but he’s not answering my calls or my texts; so unlike him. Jeanette, this bitch shot me twice. I will not sit around and wait for her to hurt me, my son, or you. I checked the fed’s website and it said released. I am not trippin’.”

  “That judicial system does not protect the victim. This woman should’ve never been able to walk these streets again, let alone be in the same state as you and Azir. Why hasn’t anyone notified you about this?”

  There was no need to sit around talking ‘bout the system. I went upstairs and grabbed my gun, also took up an extra clip. This hoe lucked up twice; there was no way she was going to creep up on me a third time, without me killing that deranged bitch.

  I walked back downstairs; my mind was speeding and my thoughts were not rational. I had an instant flashback of when that bitch shot me the second time.

  “Sierra, I don’t know how I feel about this woman here. I hate her for all the pain she’s put you through. I dreamed about killing her many nights after she shot you. I had to beg God to take the hate outta my heart, ‘cause I hated her. And for you to tell me that she’s around Azir, is really hurting me. I…I…I can’t even think right now. Jesus, take the wheel.”

  I didn’t say a word, because I was speechless. I looked at Jeanette, shook my head and headed out the door. This time, I was more vigilant of my surroundings. I got on I-285. I was heading to Clayton County toward the gun store.

  “Hello Miss. How may I help you?”

  “I want two guns. Powerful enough to blow somebody’s head off.” I looked at him.

  “He looked at me kind of weird; I guess he didn’t like how it sounded.

  “No, nothing like that. I’m a business woman, and I need protection, especially with all the latest killings going on ‘round here.”

  “I totally understand and you have all right to bear arms.”

  He showed me a variety of guns that could do some bodily harm: the .380, 9mm, 40 S&W, and the .45 ACP.

  “Hmm, I already have a .380, so let me see the 9mm and .45 ACP. I decided to get them both. I was going to be prepared this time around. I gave him my ID and paid for my guns. I wasn’t no killer, nor did I want to be one, but what I will not have is this bitch interrupting my life and playing with my child’s life.

  I got in the car and realized that I had a missed call from Azir. I took a deep breath and pressed the call button.

  “Yo Ma, you aiight? I got ‘bout twenty calls from you and Grandma.”

  “Yes, I was checking up on you. I stopped by the house, but you wasn’t home.”

  “You stopped by the house? I was out in Marietta handlin’ some business. What, sump’n happen?”

  “No, I was just missing my baby. You know ever since you moved out, I don’t see you that much.”

  “Oh okay. I’m back on this side of town. We can meet up for lunch.”

  “Great, meet me at the house.”

  “Bet.” He hung up the phone.

  Sigh….so my son is still alive; I started to call back to find out what was going on, but decided against it at the last minute. I wasn’t no fool, but I planned on finding out everything one way or another.

  I heard the door open and I knew it was Azir. I got up and walked toward the door.

  “Hey baby, I’m ready. You’re driving your truck or want me to drive my car?”

  “I’m on the bike,
so you can drive.”

  “The bike? What’s wrong wit’ yo’ car?”

  “Nothing, it’s parked at the crib.”

  “Oh okay. I was over your house; I thought I seen a woman in your truck.”

  “Hell nah. I’m the only one that drives my truck. Maybe somebody over there have one similar to mine.”

  “Yeah, I know you wouldn’t let anyone else drive the truck, especially since the insurance is in my name,” I said as I pulled off.

  “I was thinking about Red Lobster, unless you have something else in mind.”

  “Nah, Red Lobster good.”

  On the ride to Red Lobster, we chatted about general things. I sensed he was kind of distant, but I continued talking to him. The key was to keep the dialogue between us open.

  We ordered our food and sat waiting; the waitress brought us those good-ass biscuits before our meals were served, but I wasn’t hungry.

  “So baby, how is it going over at the house?”

  “Everything cool. I’m enjoying the freedom. Now I can have all the company I want over,” he laughed.

  “Yeah, ‘cause you know that was not happenin’ in my house,” I laughed, but I was dead-ass serious.

  “I know, plus I’m grown, so it’s only right that I get my own anyways.”

  “Yeah, ain’t nothin’ like yo’ own.”

  “Azir, I saw the news about Dwayne’s death and they have an eyewitness that told the police that they saw a bike speed away from the scene of the shooting.”

  He looked at me, then said, “I ‘ont understand why you telling me this. I told you the other day I ain’t got nuttin’ to do with it.”

  “I know baby. It’s just that I want to make sure you tellin’ me the truth.” I stared in his eyes.

  He took my hands and held them tight.

  “Ma, I promise you, I ain’t had nothing to do wit’ that man getting’ shot. I mean this nigga had enemies all over the A. Anyone of them could’ve killed him.”

  Tears rolled down my face. Call it a mother’s intuition, or maybe it was because I looked into his eyes; I could tell he was hiding something from me.

  Our food came; I barely touched mine. I tried my best not to let on, because I didn’t want to alert him that something was terribly wrong.

  “Azir, your grandma and I wanted to come by Sunday if you don’t mind.”

  “Nah, y’all welcome to come by anytime, but I might be out of town the weekend. We can do it once I get back in town.”

  “Azir, what; you have a woman over there that you don’t want us to see?”

  “Nah, I’m the only one there. I ain’t got time for no female. You know how needy y’all get.” He busted out laughing.

  “Boy, y’all? I ain’t never been needy. Not yo’ mama. Baby, I know you heard all the stories about Shayna, your daddy’s wife.”

  “Yeah, what about her? She shot you twice and set Dad up. That’s all y’all was willin’ to tell me.”

  “Well, I found out yesterday that she’s released from prison. This woman is obsessed wit’ me, so I have no idea where she’s going, or what she has in mind. I need you to be extra careful of your surroundings.”

  “Damn Ma, you acting all spooky and shit. Shayna or whatever her name is ain’t that crazy to come ‘round while I’m alive. Ma, I will protect you at any cost. Believe that. She betta keep her crazy ass outta Georgia,” he said angrily.

  I looked at Azir; I could see that he was genuinely upset, but I still couldn’t shake the feeling he was keeping something from me; I knew that she was in his home and driving his truck, and he failed to mention it, even when I asked. Azir was hiding something. I just hoped he knew what he was doing, ‘cause that bitch was deadly as a rotten snake!

  We got back to the house and as Azir started to leave, he turned back to me and said, “Ma, I love you wit’ e’erything in me. I will protect you by any means necessary.” He then walked off, jumped on his bike and sped off.

  I stood outside for a minute, then I turned around and walked into the house. Jeanette was sitting in the living room.

  “So what did Azir say?”

  “Nothing, he say he ain’t do anything to dude.”

  “You believe him?”

  “Yes, he’s my son. So his word is good enough for me. Plus Dwayne had enemies all over ATL.”


  “You think he did it, don’t you? You already found him guilty,” I shouted.

  Her ass was pissing me off with her judgemental self. I done told her ass he didn’t do it, but she sat up there behaving like he was guilty.

  “Sierra, I never said he did anything. Stop putting words in my mouth.”

  “You ain’t had to say it, your actions speak for itself. I ain’t goin’ argue wit’ you Jeanette. I got a bigger problem on my hands; Azir is hiding something. He never mentioned anyone staying wit’ him. I don’t know what’s going on, but I do know Shayna is there at my son’s house.”

  “I’m still in shock; I thought about calling the police and sending them over there, ‘cause I believe that trick is up to no good. I still can’t figure out what she and Azir have going on and if she knows that’s your son. Is she using him to get to you? And do he even know who she is? All I can do is pray to God, he have to protect my grandbaby.”

  Jeanette immediately bowed her head and prayed, “Lord have mercy on my grandbaby soul and deliver him from that evil witch.”

  “Well, I’m not goin’ sit around and let that bitch hurt my child. See, I have the upper hand; she has no idea that I saw her and Azir has no idea, because I didn’t tell him.”

  “Sierra, please be careful. We should call the police and let them know what’s going on.”

  “Fuck the police. Do you forget that they were the ones that brought that bitch in my home in the first place? Then they turned around and killed Alijah. I don’t fuckin’ respect them. This bitch tried to kill me, but still managed to be out here. I got this; I was never a punk and I will let this bitch know that her luck done ran out!”

  Azir Jackson

  Mom Dukes shocked me, when she told me she stopped by the house. What the fuck was she thinking? I mean, that’s my mother and all, but I didn’t need her poppin’ up. Shit, I could’ve been doing some foul shit, that she ‘ont want to know about.

  Now wasn’t the time anyways, especially ‘cause Shanya was at the crib. The last thing I needed was for Mom Dukes and her to bump heads. I already knew if they did, someone was going to get hurt, and I would miss out on murking that bitch myself.

  I wish my Moms would stop pressing me so much. I really hate lying to her, but the shit she asking about, ain’t no way I could tell her the truth. The less she knew, the better it was for her. She’s my mother and all, but I didn’t trust anyone but myself, because I knew I would never confess.

  It was almost time for me to get up out of Atlanta. Business was straight, but my heart’s tellin’ me it was time to move around. I thought ‘bout moving to New York or Miami. I knew I would leave my crew behind, but I needed to stay out of the way. Live a little and spend some of this money. I live for these streets, but my heart was into making my music. I made enough money where I could fund my own studio and all the equipment that I might need. Yeah, I was about to put some of this illegal money to good use.

  Shayna’s behavior was kind of off lately. I pretended like I didn’t notice, but I did. Ever since this bitch been at the house, I haven’t gotten any sleep. There was no way I was going to let my guard down around her ass. Instead, each night she laid up in my arms and I’d closed my eyes, pretending like I was asleep. In reality, I was laying there plotting my next move!

  Speaking of her ass, I wonder where she was. She left out hastily this morning. I was sitting in the cut on my bike when she pulled off in my truck. At first I was goin’ to follow her, but changed my mind. Instead I decided to go back in the house. I locked the door behind me and went upstairs. It was to see what was going on with this hoe. “
Gotcha,” I mumbled, as I decided to search the drawer that she had her things. I rambled through her underwear, until my hand bumped into an envelope that was hidden underneath the neatly folded clothes.

  “Well, well, well. Let’s see what you got here,” I said as I sat on the edge of the bed. I was careful not to rip the envelope… This bitch had clippings of my mom’s shooting, newspaper clippings on my daddy, and a statement that she made to the law. Everything was right in front of me in black and white. I knew then I couldn’t stand to be around this bitch any longer. I had to put my plan into motion tonight, not a minute later.

  I continued going through the papers, when my phone vibrated on my side and interrupted my thoughts.

  “Yo wha a gwaan brethren?”

  “Wey yuh deh?”

  “Mi deh a di yaad, no deh pon nuttin’.”

  “Man, the police boy den hit di spot.”

  “Wha the fuck yuh a tell mi,” I yelled in the phone.

  “Yo, Trevor just hit me and sey dat.”

  “Yo, meet me pon Panola in twenty minutes, right at the Quick Trip.”

  “Bet Bossman.”

  “Yo, fuck!” I hit the dresser with my fist.

  I pushed the paper back in the envelope and stuck it back in the drawer, then shut it.

  I ran downstairs, locked the door and jumped on my bike. As I raced through the sub-division, my heart was pounding fast. If this was true and Babylon went up in the trap, that would mean they got work and money. What the rass claat I thought, how the fuck, nah fuck that, who the fuck been running their mouth was the question that I need answered.

  I pulled over to the gas station, where my man was waiting in his F-150 truck. I pulled up beside him and jumped off the bike.