Bottom Bitch Rises Read online

Page 15

  “Come in.”

  “Hey I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Sit down.” She motioned for me to sit on her bed.

  “No, I’m good. I was thinking about going back to the salon for a few days at a time. I was also thinking of hiring a babysitter to help out whenever you have to go to your program.”

  “Oh, ok. I thought with all that’s going on you’d stay home for a while.”

  “No, I need to keep busy. I don’t have Alijah here so I need to make money and get my independence back.”

  “I understand where you’re coming from. You know I will help out with him, I don’t like no babysitter, but it’s your call Chile.”

  “I’m going to put an ad in the newspaper so I can find somebody. I need references ‘cause God forbid anything happen to my son. I will kill me a bitch.”

  “Get someone that’s experienced with babies, because not everybody has patience with them.”

  “I got this, trust me. I will be thorough I am not green. This is my first child, but I know how to be careful.” I said before I left the room.

  For some strange reason, I still felt some kind of way whenever she tried to tell me what she believed to be right. In my mind I often wonder, where she got all this experience from ‘cause it wasn’t from being a parent to me.

  The next day I placed the ad in the newspaper. I was looking for a female, age thirty five and older. Three to five years’ experience working with newborns. She must have a driver’s license and a CPR Certification. I placed my name and contact information so the person could call and set up an interview.

  Shayna Jackson

  It was weeks and I still was mourning the loss of my Daddy. At times I would stand over his urn which I kept on my dresser. I threw Mama’s urn in the closet. She was always so jealous of the relationship between Daddy and me. She used to fuss at him claiming that he spoiled me. I’ve never fully understood why she couldn’t just allow him to be a good man even if it meant him rubbing my thighs when I would sit on his lap. I even loved when he asked me to kiss big Larry on the tip of the head. See Daddy and I shared secrets that only we knew about. I wouldn’t dare expose them to anyone outside of us. Daddy was gone and my lips were sealed.


  I had a briefing with the feds and to my surprise things were moving smoothly along. I was excited because this time Alijah won’t be able to step foot outside of those prison walls. He will be there for the rest of his sick life, even though I would’ve preferred the electric chair for him, but I’ll settle for life imprisonment.

  This was the reason why I never trusted the government in the first place. Their asses were two-faced. I already gave them the big man and his crew, but earlier they informed me that the investigation was not over and in order for me not to get charged with attempted murder and conspiracy, I had to do one more thing for them. You should’ve seen my damn face when that Spanish bitch said that.

  This bitch just didn’t know how close I came to slapping off that smirk she walked around with on her face. The only thing that saved her is that she’s a United States of America certified whore. The bitch went on to tell me what the hell it was that I was supposed to be doing. I busted out laughing midway through her speech. Just a second ago I wanted to beat that ass, and here I was seconds later, thinking that bitch was brilliant. I mean, only a bitch of my status could think of such a detailed plan. I hate to admit it, but I loved it.

  I was ready for the challenge with my own twist and turns so I gladly accepted the offer. I left out of the office, feeling rejuvenated and ready to play the leading role of my lifetime. This was going to be epic; the wife and bottom bitch showdown!

  Sierra Rogers

  Alijah was arraigned and officially charged with twenty eight counts of murder and other charges. Basically they were charging him with being the head nigga in charge. I’ve heard of niggas being charged with crimes before, but never that many charges. Common sense told me that for each count of murder, that was definitely a life sentence.

  A bad feeling filled my stomach and water gathered in my mouth. I knew that feeling all too well. I got up and rushed out of the courtroom. I barely made it to the bathroom where I emptied every bit of food that I consumed earlier into the toilet. Cold sweat invaded my body and I knelt on the floor beside the toilet. I was feeling weak and nauseas. I had to get myself together so I stood up slowly and walked over to the sink and washed my face. I opened my purse and took out one of the Percocet, which the doctor prescribed for me and popped it. I had no idea how I would’ve managed if I didn’t have those pills. They’ve helped me get through the difficult times. I wiped my face with the paper towel and dragged myself out of the bathroom.

  His case was still in progress. My mind, heart and soul couldn’t take another second of that U.S. District Attorney degrading Alijah like he was the scum of the earth. Obviously, they didn’t know the man. He was my lover, my friend and my son’s father and not the monster that they’re making him out to be. I made it out the courthouse and got into my car.

  I received numerous calls about childcare, so I sat on the sofa and called them back on by one. I was down to the last name. She left me a message and the way she sounded, I could tell she was a middle aged woman. Her voice was soft and warm. I called her and we set up an appointment for the next morning.

  I woke up early and bathed Azir. The little things he does often put a smile on my face and brought me out of my state of darkness. I got dressed and walked downstairs to fix me a cup of ginger tea. Jeanette was sitting in the living room watching the news. I made my tea then joined her in there.

  Minutes later the doorbell rang. I walked over to open the door, but first I peeped through the peephole. I saw a middle aged woman standing in the cold so I opened the door to let her in.

  “Hello, you must be Ms. Sadie?”

  “Yes, yes, you must be Sierra, nice to meet you.”

  I extended my arm and shook her hand.

  “Step in, out of the cold.”

  I walked into the living room with her in pursuit.

  “This is Jeanette, she also lives here.”

  “Hello, nice to meet you.” She turned to Jeanette.

  “Please sit down. Like I said in my ad, I’m looking for a babysitter for my son. He’s four weeks old. I will be going back to work and I need someone who can be here three to four days out of the week; depending on Jeanette’s and my schedules.”

  “Oh yes, I understand. I’m a retired Pediatric Nurse and just recently widowed so I need the position to get me out of the house, plus supplement my income.”

  “How many years of experience do you have working with newborns?”

  “Well let’s see, I’ve worked at Bon Secours St. Mary’s Hospital for over fifteen years before I started to do private duties. I have a degree in Nursing. I can tell you, I devote my life helping little ones because they are helpless at that age.”

  I sat there trying to listen and also analyze her to see if she showed any signs of craziness.

  “Well did you get fired or have any complaints filed against you?” Jeanette interrupted.

  “Stop, I’m handling this.”

  “Hell we need the truth. You must not watch the news, these crazy ass people be hurting these babies.”

  “That’s fine; I totally understand your friend’s concern. I will be more than happy to answer all questions.”

  “Nah, you don’t need to and Jeanette is my mother, not my friend and please excuse her behavior,” I said.

  I then looked Jeanette dead in hers eyes. She knew I was not playing. Azir was my child and I could hire whoever the fuck I want.

  “Ok, ok, I’m gone.” She stood up and put her hands in the air and pranced out.

  “I’m sorry about that. Do you have a copy of your driver’s license and the police record that I requested?”

  She handed them to me. I wrote down her full name and address in my notebook. I had to be careful w
ho I brought up in my house to watch over my angel.

  “Well, I thought you were married. I hope I am not prying.”

  “I’m not married, but I have a significant other, he’s out of town for a while.”

  “I see, he must be a special guy. Your face lit up as you spoke about him.”

  “Yes…Alijah is a special kind of guy. I really miss him; I can’t wait for him to come home.”

  “My William was also a great guy. Unfortunately the cancer took him away from me and the girls. We really miss him.” She said while choking up.

  “I’m sorry for your loss. I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers.”

  “Thanks dear, it is so hard to find real love.”

  “Tell me about it. Alijah is my first love and I went through hell and back just to have him, but I will say it was worth it.” I said with a smile plastered on my face.

  “He sounds like a winner, hold on to him because these days good men are so hard to find.”

  “I will.”

  There was something about her face that seemed so familiar, like we’ve met before. I tried to rack my brain. I just couldn’t recall.

  “Ms. Sadie, your face looks familiar, have we met before?”

  “Really? No I’m good with faces and I my dear would’ve remembered a pretty face like yours. You know the saying; we all have a twin running around.” She chuckled.

  “Yea, you right about that. Ok if you take the job, I will pay you four hundred per week.”

  “God bless you my dear. I prayed for help and here you are. I will definitely take care of your little gem.”

  “How soon can you start?”

  “As soon as you want me to.”

  “How about tomorrow? I will be here, but this will give you a chance to see how I do things and you will get to meet Azir.”

  “Sure thing. I will be here bright and early.”

  “Ok great, thank you I look forward to having you around.”

  We sat down and talked for a little while then she left. I was optimistic about the interview. She had the experience plus her police record was clean. I had a feeling that Azir was going to be in great hands.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Sierra Rogers

  The nanny was on time, which was a big plus in my eyes. Azir was wide awake so I introduced him to her. She fell in love instantly.

  “Oh my goodness, he is handsome.” Her eyes lit up bright like the sun. A part of me felt at ease.

  “I take it he favors his daddy?”

  “Yup, he looks just like him. The only thing he got from me is my nose.”

  “Babies are such a blessing. Can I hold him?”

  “Sure.” I handed Azir to her.

  Our first day went smoothly. I paid full attention to the way she interacted with him. He was smiling from ear to ear as she rocked him. I peeped how relaxed he was when she sang “Jesus Loves You,” if I had any doubt about her before, they were erased. She was a good fit for him.

  Jeanette on the other hand was not buying into that sweet old lady persona.

  “Sierra, I’m telling you, there’s something about that woman that ain’t right. I just can’t put my finger on it,” She warned.

  “Jeanette, let’s be honest. You didn’t like that woman since the day she stepped foot in here. I’ve a feeling you’re kind of jealous.”

  “Jealous? Hmm, there you go again attacking me. All I am saying is don’t let your guard down.”

  “Every time I say something, you accuse me of attacking you. Listen lady, it’s my son so I can hire whoever the hell I want to. You’re in my house so you don’t have to like her, but you will respect her while she’s in here caring for my damn son.”

  “Excuse me, everybody knows by now that this is your house and he’s your son. I didn’t ask to come here so if you don’t want me here just say it, instead of coming at me sideways. I might’ve fucked up but I am not a fucking child and I refuse to be treated like one!”

  She walked off before I could get another word in. She was lucky that the woman was there and I wasn’t going to put others in our business. I was mad because I really wanted to serve her ass.


  It was Friday and it was my second day at the salon. My first day back was great. Mo’ and some of my clients surprised me when I walked through the door. It was really nice to see people that have been supporting the business from day one. I also enjoyed being in Mo’ presence. We laughed and talked in between clients. The new girl Joslyn seemed cool. It was weird having another stylist around, but Mo’ needed the help and I wasn’t back full-time. For the time being she served her purpose.

  It’s been almost a week that I haven’t spoken to Alijah. I tried calling the jail and all they would tell me was that he was still there. I called his lawyer to find out if he had an idea of what was going on. He informed me that Alijah was fine and he wasn’t sure as to why he wasn’t calling home.

  I waited for visitation day to roll around then I drove up to the jail. I waited for them to call my name and was motioned to go to the desk. I was informed that he was not accepting visitors. I stood there dumbfounded, and then I just turned around and walked out with my son.

  See this was the situation. I just drove forty-five minutes to go see that nigga and that selfish ass nigga denied my visit. I stormed off to my car. “God!” I did not know why I tried so hard to be a good woman to his sorry behind and he still felt the need to carry me. I swear that I was tired of his bullshit.

  I strapped my baby in his car seat and headed on down the road. I kept questioning God, and still no answer. I swore on my child from that day on I was going to focus on my son. I was done being Alijah’s doormat. He really thought it was ok to turn off his feelings as he pleases. “Well no fucking more,” I said as I hit the steering wheel. I had spent my whole life crying, feeling abandoned and used. Fuck that. I won’t let another person think that they can do whatever they want with me. Well Sierra Rogers had news for them. It was fucking over!

  I stopped by the shop for a little. Mo’ wanted to see her God baby.

  “Here goes some clothes for him, I was at the mall yesterday and I couldn’t resist.” She handed me the bag soon as I entered the store

  As usual she bought him some more clothes. This little boy was going to be spoiled. He already had too much clothes in the closet.

  “Girl, if you buy another piece of clothing for this boy, I am going to scream.”

  “You just jealous, that’s my God baby and I will buy whatever I want. Ain’t that right sugar pooh.” She said while she tickled Azir.

  “Sierra you aiight? You look like you been crying.”

  “Mo’ I drove all the way cross the bridge to see this nigga and he denied my visit,” I said before I busted out crying.

  “You serious? What kind of shit he’s on?”

  “Girl, I don’t know but I can’t take no more.”

  “Sierra, you know I don’t like when you get to crying. That is foul as hell, he must not know how much you out here holding him down.”

  “I am just tired of it all. I try so hard to stand by him through all the drama and it’s like he don’t give a damn.”

  “Sierra you my bitch so you know I’ma keep it one hundred. You too good of a woman to keep putting up with Alijah and his antics.”

  “It ain’t even that, I love this nigga.”

  “Baby I know you do, but you need to think about how this might turn out. He might be gone for good and you still need to live your life. You young, pretty, sexy and independent. Trust me plenty niggas or bitches would love to wife you.” She winked at me.

  I busted out laughing.

  “You’re a fool for that. I’m not gay, strictly dickly.”

  “Whatever Sierra. You might not want to admit to or accept it, but I have news for you. You love to get your pussy licked and you love to lick pussy in return. You are a bisexual woman.”

  “Girl, you’re joking around, but I’m hurt

  “I know it bestie, was only trying to lighten the situation up a little. You know what you need to do. Don’t stay in a relationship that cause you pain. You’re better than that.”

  “I know and I hear what you’re saying, but it’s not that easy to walk away from him. I love this man.”

  “Well then, dry them tears, put on your big girl panties and deal with it. It doesn’t matter what you decide. I will be right there with you.”

  “Thanks Chica, I’m tired and I need to get Azir home and out of this cold. Thanks for listening to me without judging.”

  “No thanks needed you my bestie, sister and friend. No matter what happens in life, we have each other.”

  “Yea I know.”

  I got up and wrapped Azir up in his thick blanket.

  “Oh shit, I almost forgot. Did you hear Neisha is missing? Her mama and them been going around passing out flyers. Have you heard from her lately?”

  “Nah I haven’t seen or talked to her since the day we fought,” I lied, she really caught me off guard with that question, but I kept my composure.

  “Girl that is crazy. Well I hope they find her, ‘cause I know how tight y’all were.”

  “Yea me too, but knowing Neisha her ass will pop up soon.”

  “I hope so for her mama sake.”

  “Aiight chica, I’m about to bounce. I will be here around ten.”

  “Ok, I’m about to close up, I already did my last head plus I have a date with Malachi sexy ass. Girl he is so damn fineee…and he paid, so you know I’m on it.”

  “Get it boo.”

  “You know I am. I have a weakness for a sexy man and his money.”

  “Shit I feel you on that. I’m allergic to broke ass niggas. I just can’t deal.”

  “Anyway let me go. I love you.”

  “I love you too chica. Give me a call when you reach home. Let me kiss my baby bye.”

  She kissed Azir and I left. I needed a change in my life, sooner than later.

  Shayna Jackson