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Bottom Bitch Rises Page 12

  “Yo son, what’s going on?”

  That pussy hole stepped closer to my face.

  “I’m not your son. I’m Federal Agent Somers. I am an undercover agent and I’ve been investigating you and your criminal empire.”

  “Ha, ha!” That’s all I could do was laugh. This nigga was the fucking Feds. I ate with this nigga, broke bread with this nigga and he was the fucking law.

  For the first time in my entire life I was lost for words. I just stood there thinking of all the different ways that I could kill that bombo claat clown. I was shocked that my niggas and I just delivered ourselves to them. I couldn’t even get away; it was three of us and around thirty of them bitches.

  The walk from the hotel hallway through the back entrance to the patty wagon was the longest walk of my life. All my thoughts were diverted on Sierra and my son; she was expecting me to return with her food. I know she’d be worrying by now.

  I needed to call her so she could be on point. I wasn’t sure she wasn’t wrapped up in all this bullshit. I done brought this nigga in my life not knowing he was an informer. Only Jah know what he done reported on us.

  They put us in the van; this gave me some time to rap with my niggas and to get a better understanding of what the hell happen when they got to the room. I was curious to know why I didn’t get any phone call warning of a possible set up.

  “Brethren, what happen?”

  “Son, it was a set up from the gate. Shayna ass went in that room, but I guess they were on to us because they switched rooms with her, because she never left out,” Chuck said.

  “Boss, I felt it as soon as I entered the room, they were waiting on us, but what fucked me up the most is when duke pulled his gun on us. I froze up, because I didn’t see it coming.”

  “Well, my niggas, shit don’t look good. I have to get in touch with Saleem and Sierra; we have to get these lawyers in. I doubt we goin’ get a bond, but it’s worth trying.”

  “Boss, they mentioned Saleem’s name when we were in the room. I believe they about to pick him up.”

  I raised my foot and kicked the window of the van. I should’ve killed Shayna years ago. I should’ve done a million things, but don’t none of that shit matter at the moment. I knew I had little or no chance against the federally, but I was going to fight with e’erything in me. I owe it to my mama, Sierra and my little man.

  I looked over at my partners and I peeped the sadness all over their faces. I knew they’ve been in this life since they were young and don’t nothing really phase them. So to see them looking like that, really cut me deep. This was some sucka shit. It was like we didn’t even let these niggas work for their checks. We walked right in and delivered ourselves. That one move might’ve sealed our fate!

  Sierra Rogers

  It was midnight and there’s still no sign of Alijah. I called his phone over thirty times and all I was getting was the voicemail. I left him over five messages and still no call back. That was not like him, especially when he left, he knew I was hungry and was waiting to eat.

  I tried not to get all worked up, but the shit seemed unreal. I called Jeanette to see if he dropped by the house, but she hasn’t seen him since he left the hospital. I didn’t have anyone else number to call so I laid there hoping he would walk into the room any minute.

  I needed to find him, but here I was in the bed laid up. My pussy was hurting from the twelve stitches I had from pushing too hard. I wasn’t scheduled to be discharged until the next day. I sat up in the bed pondering on my next move when my phone rang.

  “What’s going on chica?”

  “I called you yesterday. I had the baby this morning.”

  “Bitch, you lying. I ain’t get no call from you.”

  “Girl, please. I know I called you, but he’s here and he is so precious. You have to see him.”

  “Where’s Alijah?”

  “I have no idea. He left here to run an errand and to get me something to eat and never came back.”

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there was a huge bust in Richmond a few hours ago. They said it was a Jamaican dope boy. I heard Shawn and them talking ‘bout it. I think it was also on the news, I didn’t see it, but he was the first person that popped in my head.”

  “Are you fucking serious? Do you know where they had the bust at?

  Oh my fucking God,” I bust out crying.

  My tears turned into rage as I screamed as loud as I did when I gave birth to Azir. This cannot possibly be happening. Not now, not ever. He was just getting ready to leave the game alone. We were leaving. The nurse must’ve heard the commotion because she came in to check on me.

  “I heard you screaming, is there anything that I can help you with?”

  “No, I’m fine.” I told her and put my head under the cover. I was shaking uncontrollably.

  I needed to find my man. I did not want to believe what Mo’ said, but there was something inside of me telling me, she was right. There was no way he would have left me and his son up in the hospital fo that long, without calling or coming back to check on us.

  Mo’ stayed on the phone while I cried.

  “Sierra, visiting hours are over, but I will be there first thing in the morning. I’ll also make some calls to see if it’s them. I love you girl, just be strong for you and my God baby.”

  I hung the phone up without responding. I then dialed Jeanette’s number to check if she’d seen the news. She told me she missed the news. I then asked her to go downstairs and check to see if his truck was gone. It was gone so, he was driving it.

  “Sierra what’s going on, is Alijah in trouble?”

  “Not sure what’s going on, just trying to get in touch with him,” I said and hung up before she could respond with a hundred questions that I obviously had no answers to. I remembered that I had Saleem’s number from the last time so I scrolled down and found it. I dialed his number and it just rang out until the voicemail picked up. Shit was starting to seem more real by the minute.

  It was time to feed and change my baby so I got up and handled that. I knew he was a newborn, so even though I was hurting; I kept a smile on my face while I fed him. I was scared that he might sense that his mommy was hurting and daddy might be in trouble. I had to protect him no matter at what cost.

  He went back to sleep and I cried myself to sleep and only woke up at 6 a. m. when the nurse came in to take my vitals. She also helped me to get to the bathroom to freshen up. I was happy that I was able to get a little rest in, because I was running off air. After I got all that out the way, I cut the television on to catch the six o’clock news. Mo’ mentioned it made the news so more than likely it would come on the morning news also.

  I paid no attention about other stories that the reporter was reporting. I looked up when I heard her mentioned “Federal authorities broke up a major drug ring in the Commonwealth that stretched from Jamaica, Miami, New York and Virginia. Three suspects are in custody as they were arrested when authorities came upon a hit that was supposed to be carried out on the wife of one of the suspects. We are going through the charges and will be in touch with the U.S. Attorney’s office and will bring you more on this major crime enterprise. Lori Gamble reporting for WTVR Richmond, Virginia.” I stared ahead at the television as I saw Alijah, Chuck and Dre faces staring back at me through the television screen.

  I cut the television off and threw the remote into the wall, breaking it, putting a dent into the thin hospital sheet rock. I wanted to scream out, but I couldn’t. I just sat there crying in silence. I needed to know where they’re holding him so I could get a lawyer down there fast. I had the number for the lawyer from the previous case so I definitely was going to call him. It was a little too early, but fuck it I was up, so everybody else needed to get their asses up too. I dialed his number, but got no response. I left him a voicemail, giving him the little detail that I knew and also letting him know how urgent it was for him to get back with me. I hope he checked his messages soon be
cause I needed his Johnny Cochran-wannabe ass to get on this immediately.

  I pushed the call button for the nurse. I needed to know what time was the doctor coming in. I needed to get up out of here. I couldn’t sit around, not knowing what the fuck went down and how it played out. I definitely need to talk to him. I learned that the doctor will be in at 9 a. m., which was great news to me because I couldn’t be of any help up in the hospital.

  My baby kept crying so I got up and walked him around the room, trying to sing to him, and that was not helping at all. I finally called for the nurse. I explained to her that he wouldn’t stop crying and I thought something was wrong. She came and explained to me that it wasn’t a big deal; newborns sometimes get fussy from stomach ache. She decided to take him to the nursery to give me a little break. I appreciated that.

  The doctor finally walked in a big smile on my face. He congratulated me on the birth and also discharged me. I was in another zone. Nothing he was saying to me was registering. I just need to get the fuck up out of here so I could go check on my man.

  Shayna Jackson

  The wait took forever. I didn’t like to be around all these law enforcement people, even though we had a common interest, I still did not like them. They used people to get whatever the hell that they wanted.

  One of the agents got the word that the suspects were entering the room. I knew Alijah was dumb, just never thought he would actually have just walked up in there like that. He actually thought killing me would be that easy. I see Mr. Jackson still had some things to learn. What those lames used to say “You can’t play a player.” Oh well, I guess his black ass just got played!

  “We got him! We got the suspect Alijah Jackson in custody.”

  “Yes, operation went smoothly without incident,” The younger agent bragged.

  I turned around and smiled at them. I was filled with joy, after years and years of dealing with his ass. His cheating ways and his disrespect toward me, it was finally over. He really thought he was above the law, above everything because he had money. One thing I knew about them, they had an eight digit number for that ass and it didn’t matter how much money you had. As for the last census the Bureau of Prisons had, the feds had a ninety nine percent conviction rate and I doubt, he will be in the one percent.

  I knew it wasn’t totally over; in fact it was the beginning. Part of the deal with the feds was that I had to testify against him. This was going to be my biggest role in life. Mr. Jackson was going to regret the day that he ever crossed Mrs. Jackson.

  I heard all the commotion out in the hallway and wanted to be nosey, but they prevented me from going anywhere close to the peephole. I just know it was a lot of yelling going on. I knew Alijah’s ass had to be in shock when he realized, that he’d been tricked like a cheap slut.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Alijah Jackson

  They took us to the Richmond’s city jail claiming they were housing us there until our court appearance then we’d be transferred to a federal holding facility. I was booked and placed in G2, the same cell block that I was housed when I was there the last time. I was separated from my niggas. My old celly from last time was no longer there and I noticed it was a bunch of little young niggas housed on this tier. I made a mental note to stay out the way.

  I didn’t use the phone when I was in booking. Truth was I did not know what to say to Sierra. Had no idea how to explain to her that I managed to get myself locked up on what was supposed to be the most important day of our lives; the birth of our son. I didn’t show it, but I was hurting in the worst way. Hours ago I was witnessing the birth of my little man. I felt proud knowing that I played a major role in his existence. Shit was so fucked up and I had to figure out what my next move was going to be.

  I barely got a chance to step foot on the tier when I heard my name being called for an attorney visit. That was definitely fast; at least now I could really get a proper insight of what just took place. I also knew that Sierra got word about my arrest and she was on her job as usual.

  I walked through the hallway up to the attorney room. I peeped dude sitting down with a pile of paper on the table. He stood up as I approached the table.

  “Alijah, my man,” He said, shaking my hand.

  “Whaddup son.”

  “Sit down, we have things to get to.”

  “Bet.” I was eager to hear what he had to say.

  “Alright, Ms. Rogers called and told me that you were locked up, so I jumped right on it. You are being charged with some serious offenses, over thirty counts of murder and drug charges. The federal government is going after you hard.”

  “What the fuck, this dude I had on my team was a fucking undercover agent.”

  “This is the reason why I said, you are in deep shit, pardon my French. Just by looking at your charges on the indictment, I say they have a lot of ammunition against you.”

  “Man, I want to kill that nigga and that bitch!”

  “I assume you are talking about your wife, they claimed it’s a botched murder plot on her life.”

  “Yea, that’s what they say. I should’ve killed that stanking ass bitch years ago.”

  “Well, I am happy you didn’t.”

  “Fuck all that; find me a fucking hit man so I can dead this hoe!” I shouted.

  “You know I can’t do that! What I can do, and will do is provide you with the best defense possible. I want to let you know though, we have our work cut out for us and we goin’ have to fight our ass off to get some of these charges dropped or reduced. The feds are not easy to beat, but I’m ready.”

  “Man, when you get outta here, holla at Sierra, tell her I said to throw you some paper to cover my niggas’ lawyer fees.”

  “Okay, I got you. I’m also going to bring in two other lawyers from my firm on the case, and also a private investigator that will be working on gathering everything on the two witnesses in the case. I need to discredit them, so I need everything from the day they were born to now.”

  “Aiight, cool. So what’s the next move?”

  “You’ll be going up for a bond hearing, which I doubt will be granted. The arraignment is up next, that’ll be about a week or two. You will be formally charged and you will plead not guilty. I’ll then put in a motion for discovery to get all the evidence against you. Oh and I’ll also put in a motion for a speedy trial. Earlier I spoke to the U.S. Attorney on your case and she disclosed that they have recorded phone conversations so I put in the motion to get those so I can listen to them and we can go from there.”

  That right there blew me. I know most of my shit was handled on the phone. The more I listened to all the evidence they claimed they had against me, the farther I saw my life slipping away from me. I tried to stay calm, but deep down I was fuming with so much anger. I could kill a nigga with my bare hands. I saw no light at the end of all the darkness. None!

  “One more thing, when you talk to Sierra, makes sure you tell her to keep the house clean and to keep her circle tight.”


  I know Sierra wasn’t charged, but I also wasn’t sure if her name was involved. I knew how the feds play dirty and they might get at her to put pressure on me. I wasn’t worried about the phone conversation between the two of us. The phone that we talked on was a private number that only the two of us knew about and every week I changed phones and got new numbers. As far as anything else, I’ve always kept her out of it, in fear of this exact situation presenting itself.

  We rapped a little longer and then he left. I made my way back to the pod and made my first phone call to Sierra, I might as well go ahead and face her now.

  Sierra Rogers

  Lil Mo’ showed up just in time. I was ready to get the hell on. My car was in the parking lot, but I was in no shape to drive home. I decided to let it stay parked and rode home with Mo’. I’d come back and get the car at a later date.

  I dressed Azir in one of his cute Rocawear snow suits and placed him in the car seat. I thanked
all the nurses, and sat in the wheelchair as the nurse’s aide pushed me out the door. Mo’ carried the car seat and we loaded up in her car.

  “Hey boo, how you feeling?”

  “Terrible, it was Alijah and his boys that got locked up.”

  “Damn, how you know?”

  “I saw them on the news this morning.”

  “Wow! That’s crazy.”

  “I know, I don’t know what the fuck going on. I just need to get home so I can sort all this shit out.”

  “Well, we’ll be there. I know me and him had our falling out, but I know about how you feel about him so I’m going to be there for you.”

  “Thanks girl, for a minute I thought that you wasn’t fuckin’ wit’ me, but I see you still my bitch.”

  “Girl, I was tight at that nigga for disrespecting me, and I needed some time away. But we been through too much to let a nigga come between us, you feel me?”

  I was happy to hear those words, because I needed a friend. My heart was broken and I didn’t know how I was going to survive. I felt like I wanted to die!

  We pulled up at the house and got out the car. Jeanette was waiting for us downstairs.

  “Come here little man. Nana is going to spoil you.”

  I saw the surprised look on Mo’s face. She knew the full story of Jeanette abandoning me. So this came as a surprise to her. I didn’t feel like I had to keep explaining my reasons why I decided to let her back in my life. I knew she wasn’t no role model and I didn’t expect anyone to understand where I was coming from. I just know that after I got shot, I realized that life was too short and I didn’t want to have any regrets.

  Jeanette took Azir upstairs while Mo’ and I stayed in the living room. It was time for me to get to the bottom of everything.

  The lawyer finally called, and as you can imagine I was furious at his black ass. I left him a message, hours ago and this fool claimed he was tied up. Like I care. I told him about Alijah’s situation and told him I need him on the case ASAP. I decided to meet him the next day with a check. I was so upset with him I hung the phone up without even saying goodbye.