Bottom Bitch Rises Read online

Page 10

“Yes, I have been calling him for a couple of days and the calls are going straight to voicemail.”

  “Well, I’m going to go over and see if I can get in.”

  “Oh, hold on! I have a spare key that Aubrey gave me.”

  He went inside to get the key. I didn’t like the old pervert, but he was being helpful at the moment.

  “Here you go. I’ll walk with you over there just in case you need me pretty lady.” He said while he batted his grey eyelashes at me.

  I wanted to smack that old wicked perverted smile off his face instead I ignored him and walked out of his yard and into my parents’ yard. He followed closely behind. I used the key and opened the door. I was greeted with a foul odor. I pushed the door opened and step foot inside. The place smelled like an animal had died up in there. I took a quick glance around, that’s when I saw the most horrible sight in my life. There were two bodies on the ground, with body parts beside them.

  I ran out screaming. Snatched my cell out of my purse and called the police.

  “9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”

  “I found two bodies in my parents’ home. Please hurry, send the police,” I screamed in the phone.

  “Ma’am what’s your parents address?”

  “It’s 2015 Vahorn Street, please hurry,” I pleaded.

  I got down on my knees on the cold concrete. My feet wouldn’t hold my weight. I was trembling so hard, I didn’t hear another word that the operator was saying. I just kept screaming and screaming.

  Within three minutes I heard police sirens, fire trucks and the ambulance coming down the street. I tried to get up, but I couldn’t. The old man wrapped his nasty old hands around my waist and gave me support so I could stand up.

  “Ma’am, is this your residence?”

  “No, my parents live here.”

  “Ok ma’am, can you give me your name and the name and age of your parents?”

  I pulled myself together long enough to give him the information. There wasn’t too much I could give to them. All I knew was that I’ve been calling them for a week and got no reply. There were police everywhere, crime scene investigators also pulled up. I wasn’t no expert, but I knew they were dead!

  I was too scared to go inside, even when they asked me to identify the bodies. The neighbor was nice enough to do that part. I already knew in my heart it was them. The detective told me that they’ve been dead for quite a while, but he would wait on the coroner to confirm the exact time of death.

  “Ma’am, do you know of anyone that would harm your parents?”

  “No, not off the top of my head. Daddy is a retired judge and Mama stayed at home.”

  “Do you live here?”

  “No, I live in Virginia. I’ve been calling them and got no answer so I came up here to check on them.”

  “I will need to get some more info from you; your whereabouts etc…other family members and close friends who have access to the home.”

  “Ok, whatever,” I said with an attitude.

  I would never harm my daddy, but then again, he would never understand the relationship between me and my daddy. I didn’t care about his investigation. Someone killed them and I want to know who and why?

  “This is a murder investigation, I will wait on the medical examiner to give me the exact cause of death and time then I will proceed. My guys are searching for evidence right now.”

  “What do you mean? Some asshole came up in here and killed my parents and you want to drag your feet. Fuck that I need to talk to your boss.”

  “Ma’am I am following procedure and you yourself couldn’t even identify the bodies. I know you’re upset, but let us handle this. Trust me we will find the killer or killers responsible for this.”

  All that damn talking didn’t mean a thing to me. I wanted my Daddy back. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Mama and all but my Daddy was my everything. He was the only one that never judged me. He accepted my flaws and all. He never raised his voice at me and was always there to tell me everything going to be alright. Just the other day when we talked, I told him about Alijah and the feds investigation. He comforted me and was getting ready to buy me a place out in Phoenix, Arizona.

  I was succumbed with grief and my thoughts were all over the place. I’ve never imagined burying my parents, but I had no choice. I spent the next two hours talking with the detective and watching them bag up evidence from the crime scene. The coroner removed the bodies and they left.

  I still couldn’t go in so I locked the door and drove to the closest Marriott. I needed to be alone in a dark room where I could let all my emotions flow without interruption. I walked through the door and threw my key and purse on the bed. I crawled in the bed, then this song popped in my head “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was blind, but now I see.” This was Daddy’s favorite song that he used to sing to me when I was a little girl. I sang the entire song as the tears poured out. My heart was burning with grief.

  Life wasn’t supposed to be this hard. I needed all the pain to go away. I wished that I was there to protect my Daddy instead I was cooped up in a hotel room while he was being tortured. What animal would cut them up like that? I couldn’t imagine!


  I received a call from the detective. He called to inform me that the coroner confirmed it was my parents. That wasn’t a surprise, I already knew that. He also notified me the autopsy would be done in a few days then the bodies will be released to me. I notified a few family members. Most of them didn’t care; they only cared about what my parents could do for them. For everyone else Channel 7 News brought the story so I’m pretty sure they saw it.

  I decided not to have a funeral, instead I would cremate them. I also had a lot of business arrangements to take care of. It did hit me that I was the sole beneficiary of all Daddy’s money. I had to make sure I go through all the finances and contact all business partners.

  The next few days were very hard for me. I called a cleaning company so they could clean out the house. I couldn’t return until all the blood was gone. I plan on selling the house when everything calmed down. I couldn’t live in there after what happened.

  The coroner stated that Mama’s head was chopped off with a sharp knife or machete and she was also beaten severely. Daddy was tortured and his legs were cut off and if that wasn’t bad enough, he was shot twice in the face. The detective called the killing personal and gruesome.

  A quick thought popped in my mind when he mentioned machete. There was only one person that I knew that owned a few and that was Alijah. I was with him on a few different occasions when he bought them. With that bit of knowledge, I felt my body shiver. I wondered if he was responsible for this. Were their killings revenge for me giving him up to the authorities and was this a way to get my attention? Daddy did tell me, he called a month back inquiring about my whereabouts. If my suspicion was true, I knew I wasn’t safe. He might be lurking around just waiting on the right opportunity to present itself.

  I knew I was no match for him and his goons, so I need to be extra careful. I dialed Sanders’ number to inform him about the death of my parents and about my suspicion. He wasn’t of much help, he told me to get to VA. Really? Did that son of a bitch hear anything that I said to him? I think not! Fuck him, fuck the feds, fuck the crack head bitch and most of all fuck Alijah and his bitch.

  I was going to get myself out of all this chaos, but first things first. I had their bodies cremated and put into matching purple urns. Purple was Daddy’s favorite color. I can take them with me to wherever I plan on moving to, that way they won’t be alone and I’d have my Daddy close by, just like old times.

  Everything was wrapped up in a few days and I was heading back to VA. I had a few loose ends to tie up, and then I plan on making my grand appearance when I testified against my husband. I will then buy me a one way ticket out of the country. I was thinking the Cayman Islands; I heard it was a beautiful. After all I will b
e rich and will be able to live my life the way it supposed to be lived.

  Sierra Rogers

  Jeanette finally called me, said she was ready to take me up on my offer. I went to pick her up. To be honest, by the time she called I was starting to have doubts. I didn’t know how it was going to work out between us, but I was determined to try.

  I arrived at Whitcomb and she was waiting outside with her black garbage bags. Ironically it was the same kind of bags that she had when she left. I felt my emotions trying to creep down that dark memory lane, I quickly shook the feeling. I popped the trunk and she threw her bags in and got in the car.

  “Hey girl thanks for picking me up. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this and I promise I won’t let you down.”

  “I’m too old for people to let me down. I’m warning you, don’t bring no drugs in my home and the first time I feel any type of feeling that you’re using again, I am throwing yo’ ass out. You hear me?”

  “Sierra, God is my witness, I am clean.”

  “That’s what all crack heads say.” I mumbled under my breath before I pulled off.

  I showed her around the house and showed her the fully furnished room she’d be living in. I watched on as her eyes lit up as she entered the room. She rubbed her hand across the forty-two inch plasma TV that was on the stand beside her bed. I left out as she began to unpack her clothes.

  That night she asked if she could cook dinner. I didn’t see any reason why not, so I agreed. She made baked chicken with baked potatoes, gravy and green beans. This was my first time eating from her or more like the first time that I remember. I had to give credit where it was due, she did the damn thing in the kitchen, and the food was so good. My pregnant ass ate and went back for seconds. I could really get used to this, but I had to be careful, I didn’t want to put on a lot of weight. I need my hourglass shaped figure back as soon as possible after I dropped the baby.


  The day came when we got to find out the sex of our baby. I was praying for a girl and Alijah was praying for a boy. We haven’t spoken much since our heated argument. This day was different, we walked into the doctor’s office like the proud parents that we were. Everything seemed fine with the baby, it was busy moving around. It was confirmed that we were having a boy. I was a little disappointed, but I was okay with it as long as I have a healthy baby. Alijah was gloating in happiness as he finally got his wish.

  After the doctor’s appointment he asked me to join him for lunch. I said yes because it was a happy day and I didn’t want to rain on his parade by turning him down. Truth was I really missed our closeness. Ever since I found out I was pregnant I couldn’t stand to be around him or inhale his scent. It was something about his scent that made me nauseas. I really do miss the bond that we once shared. Maybe one day we can rekindle our flame that was hot and bright.

  I was too caught up in my thoughts to realize that he took me to The Caribbean Pot, the same restaurant that we went to on our first date. We had not been back since then. The setting was still the same; it was cozy and comfortable. We were seated close to the back which I believe he requested. I wasn’t sure as to why, so I left it alone.

  We ordered our meal and he ordered wine for himself and water for me. The waitress was on point and we started to eat in complete silence.

  “Why you looking at me like that?”

  “Just looking at your beauty.”

  “Really? I thought you been saw that.”

  “Yea, I did, but some reason you are glowing right now.”

  “Mmm hmm.. I don’t feel like it. I feel so bloated.”

  “Ain’t nothing wrong wit’ you B. You are even more beautiful when you’re pregnant.”

  “Boy, whatever. You haven’t paid me no mind, and then all of a sudden now you can’t take your eyes off me.”

  He reached across the table and grabbed my hand and held it in his.

  “Listen B! I kno’ lately I haven’t been the best, but that don’t mean that I don’t love you. You’re the only woman outside of mom-dukes that I love. I kno’ sometimes it’s hard to deal with me, but shawdy I fucking love you.”

  “You love me, but you’re fucking around on me. That ain’t love, I deserve better than you are dishing out.”

  “I mean, I’ma keep it one hunnit with you. I’m a dude, so yes I do love to fuck different pussy, but I ‘ont give a fuck ‘bout none a dem hoes. Yuh a mi wife.”

  “Wow! You believe that I am supposed to be satisfied with that? I’m not and can’t pretend. I am not going to act like shit sweet.”

  “I’m not asking you to. Let’s admit it we both fucked up, so let’s put it behind us and move forward.”

  “Boy, whatever. I ain’t tryna hear that shit” I said and tried to snatch my hand away from his tight grip.

  “Sierra, leave with me. I need you and my seed. We can make a life together.”

  “Alijah you’re wanted. I can’t put me and my child through that. I just can’t.”

  “Yo B. You have me feeling some type of way, but I promise you that if you leave with me. I will give the streets up. I will give everything up. I swear.”

  “Ha! Ha! You are too funny. You’re not leaving the streets. Save that lie for one of your bitches.”

  “Man, I am dead ass serious. I put that on my lil’ man. I need y’all in my life. Let’s raise our baby together.”

  “You want me to just up and leave my house and my shop?”

  “Fuck that shit, leave the house with your mama and I will buy you a bigger and better house.”

  I wanted to go with him, regardless of how mad he made me. He was the only man that ever treated me like somebody. I did not want to lose him or risked my son not having his father in his life. I started to cry, everything was so messed up. I just want it fixed. I wanted to go back to when I first met him; the laughter and the happiness. I wonder if I let him go, how I would know if we could’ve made it to the place that we were before. I need to know! I have to know!

  “Ok Alijah, I will go, but I want to have my baby here and then I need a few extra weeks to wrap up some things.”

  “Aiight bet. I’ll wait until you have the baby then you can come. Ma I really appreciate you giving me another chance. I won’t fuck up.”

  “You better not, because this is your last fucking chance. I’ll leave your ass the next time you cheat on me. I am dead ass serious.” I gritted my face at him.

  We talked for a little while longer then he paid and we left. I was happy that we had a chance to really talk. It was well needed; there were too much animosity in the previous days that was weighing heavily on both of us. I had doubts that he was going to leave the streets alone, but only time will tell if he does or doesn’t. I hope he meant it because if he doesn’t, he will pay for lying.

  We arrived home and saw that all the lights were off. I guess Jeanette went to bed early. I took a shower and he took one after me. We both got in the bed and held each other, no words, no sex. We bonded like we haven’t seen each other in years. I sure missed that feeling of just laying up.


  I had the baby’s crib set up in my room. There was no way I was going to let him out of my sight. I ordered so many designer clothes for him, it was a shame UPS was making deliveries every day to the same address. Jeanette was helpful around the house. She made sure all the baby’s clothing were washed and folded. I figured she was feeling somewhat guilty that she wasn’t present in my life so she’s was trying to do better this time around. I really thought that I would feel weird having her around, but I wasn’t. I did notice that whenever I was at home she’d lock herself in her room. I guess trying to stay out the way.


  I was laying in my bed on this particular day. It seems like the closer that I got to my due date the more tired I became. I was on the countdown to push out my little man. My phone starts ringing over and over. I laid there trying to ignore it, but whoever it was wasn’t trying to let up. I eventually
snatched it off the bed and answered it.

  “Hello,” I said in a harsh tone.

  “Sierra, it’s me.”

  “Me who?” I looked at the caller ID to see if I recognized the number, but I didn’t.

  “Girl, it’s Neisha. Your best friend, silly.”

  “What the fuck you want? You ain’t no motherfucking friend of mine.” I spat.

  “Sierra calm down. I need to meet you. I have something to tell you.”

  My antennas went up immediately. I knew she was the only one that I gave my address to and I put my life on it she gave it to Shayna. I wasn’t sure how their paths crossed, but I know it did. I needed to know how, where and why? It was time to pay these two bitches back in full.

  “Hmm...what is it, you want to tell me?” I said a more somber tone.

  “Charley told me that your memory of the shooting is gone and I have an idea of who it might be.”

  “Really, shut your mouth and keep on talking.” I usually said this phrase when we used to hang.

  “I was thinking that maybe we could meet, sit down and talk like old times.”

  “Okay, what do you have in mind?”

  “I have my own little place over here on Broad Rock Road. Nothing fancy, I figure I could throw some turkey wings in the oven until you get here. You know you love how I cook them.”

  “Bet! Sounds great to me, give me a minute to get dress and I will be on the way.” I took the address and hung up.

  I remained seated on the bed for a second so I could let all this marinate. This hoe was really brave or she’s just plain stupid. Either way, I get to see the enemy. I did not consider her anything less. I got up and got dressed in all black Aeropostale sweat pants and jacket. I then took my gun out from under the pillow and checked to make sure it was loaded. I then went into my drawer and took out an extra clip and put it in my Gucci bag.

  I thought about calling Alijah to let him know where I was heading, but I dismissed that idea. I needed to handle this by myself. I snuck downstairs. I didn’t want Jeanette to hear me leaving. I headed to the garage and grabbed few things that might come in handy. You never know what might pop off with that sheisty bitch.